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Index Texas, 66. Thompson, Maurice, i6o. Thrasher, Brown, 56, 57, 72, 74. Thrush, Dwarf, 1S9 ; Gray-cheeked, 57, 74; Her- mit, 56, 57, 186; Olive-backed, 57; Song, 74; Wilson's, 57 ; Wood, 57, 72, 74. Titmouse, Plain-crested, 18S; Tufted, 74, 184,185,186. Todd, W. Clyde, 13. Towhee, 56, 57, 74, 187; California Brown, 188; Spurred, 18S. Trinity College, 19. Trjon, Chas. C, 126. Turkey, Water, 66. Turnstone, 5. Van Name, Willard, i2q. Venezuela, 50. Vermont, 118, 120. Vireo Bells, 74; Blue-headed, 56; Hutton's, iSq ; Red-eyed, 56, 57, 72, 73, 74 ; figured, 122 ; War- bling, 56, 57, 74; figured, 122; White-eyed, 57, 72, 74; Yellow-throated, 56, 57, 72. Virginia, 25, 60. Vulture, Turkey, 186. Warbler, Audubon's, 189 ; Bay-Breasted, 57 ; Black and White, 56,57; Black and Yellow (Magnolia), 57; Blackburnian, 57; Blackpoll, 57; Black- throated Blue, 57; Black - throated Green, 56, 57; Blue-winged, 26, 57,59; Brewster's, 57 ; Ca- nadian, 57 ; Cape May, 57 ; Cerulean, 57 ; Con- necticut, tongue of, figured, 7 ; Chestnut-sided, 57; Golden-winged, 57 ; Lutescent, 189 ; Mourn- ing, 57; Myrtle, 56, 57, 183, 184, 186, 187, 190; Nashville, 57; Palm, 57; Parula, 57; Pine, 56 ; Prairie, 57, 72 ; Prothonotary, 89 ; Tennessee, 57 ; Wilson's, 57; Worm-eating, 57; Yellow, 57,60 ; nest of, figured, 60; Yellow Palm, 56. Warblers, Tongues of, 5. Warner, Miss Annie L., 131. Warren, H. S., 126. Washington, D. C, 60, 71, 72. Water-Thrush, 57 ; Louisiana, 56, 74. Waxwing, Cedar, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 189. Weed, C. M., i, 3, 123. Wellesley College, 52. Western Ornithologists, 126. Whip-poor-will, 56. White-List, 163, 164. Whitman, Professor, 153. Widmann, O., 12. Willcox, M. A.. 163. Williams, R. S., 26. Wilson, W. L., II. Winkenverder, H. A., 113. Wintle, E. D., 13. Wisconsin, 90, 155. Wolcott, R. H., 153. Woodcock, 56, 184, 185, 187. Woodpecker, California, 1S9 ; Downy, 19, 20,21,23, 178, 179, 180, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187; figured, 179; Gairdner's, 189; hairy, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187; tongue of, figured, 8; Lewis', 189; Red-bellied, 186; Red-breasted, 189; Red-headed, 155, 186, 187 ; tongues of, 8, 9. Woods Holl, 87. Woodward, Anthony, 160. Wren, Carolina, 72, 74, 184, 185 ; House, 56, 57, 72, Sg; Long-billed Marsh, 57, t86 ; Short-billed Marsh, 186; Vigor's, 189; Winter, 1S4, 185. 186. Wren-Tit, 188. Wright, Mabel Osgood, 25, 202. Year 1900 in Ornithology, 199. Yellow-legs, Greater, 57. Yellow-throat, Maryland, 57, 72, 74.