The Weapons of Birds 185
Last and largest of the spur-winged birds are the South American Screamers, Cbauna and zlnbima, and these not only have the longest. strongest and sharpest spurs of all birds, but they have a second smaller spur on the lower part of the metacarpus (Fig. 6). The large spur is slightly flattened on the side next the body as well as gently curved, form— ing a formidable-looking weapnn about an inch and a quarter long and seemingly capable of being driven quite through a man's hand by a wing- stroke of so large a bird as the Streamers And yet. according to Mr. Hudson, this bird is preeminently a bird of peace and dwells in peace amid large numbers of its fellows. so perhaps its arms are. as they should be, merely a warning to would-be enemies and not 2| menace to its friends.
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