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Page:Bird-lore Vol 04.djvu/21

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viii Index

Sparrow. Song. 44. 45. 53, 56: figured, 65‘

szlrrmr. Swamp. 55. 56.

Sparrow, Tree. 44, .15. 192; figurr-d, (15.

. 1.rrnu',Yelluwariugtd, 133,

Sparrow, While-lllmatcd, figured, 65.

Spellman, H. M., figured, 14.

Starling, E 11, 61 ; ligurcd, 2n.

Sturnidiu, 20.

Stone, VVitmcr, 3g. 57: figure-I. 5:4.

Slroug, R. .\l,, 1115; mlur work by, un~n~ tinned, 2

Sylviidm, 19g.

Swallow, Bank, figured, 5’9.

Su'alluu‘, Cliff, figured, Sq.

Swallow, Tree, figured, s9.

vaif!,Cliin|11cy,34, 162.

Tanager, Scarlet, figured, SS. Tanagridze, SS.

Tatum, J. \\'., figured, 5N.

Teal, Bluearinged, 3;,

Thayer Fund, 39, 40, 69.

Thrasher, Brown, figured. 151. Thrasher, Crissal, 100.

Thrule ('yrayrclleekrd. figured, 191. Thrush, Hermit, figured. 191. Thrush, Olivcrhacked, figured, 191. Thrush, Wilson’s, figured, 191. Thrush, VVrmd, figured, $5, 191. Titlark, 56.

Tilumusc, Tufted, figured, 153. Tuu‘hee fig11red,65. nglodylidm, 155.

Trouer, Spencer, 57 ; figured, 55. Turdidm, 190.

Vrery, 94. 119.

\"iruo. Brll's, 34.

Vireo. Blueircudul. figured, 125.

\‘ircn. Rerlreyed, figured, 99. 125.

\‘irco. \'cllu\\'-tl1r0£lt€1l,99, 120; figured, 125. \'i|‘(‘ur \\'arhliug, 161 ; figured. 125. Vilennidfl‘. 125.

\‘irginia, 60. no.

\‘zwlker, 1‘harle<. 57; figured, 5x.

\Valler‘s ‘\Vil(l Birds in City Parks.‘ re- viewed. 68.

\\':1rl1lur, Bay-I1reaslud.93.

\Narhlcr, Black -tl1roalul (irecn, figured, 126.

Warbler, Blue-winged, So.

\Varhlcr, Brewster's, figured, 66.

VVarhlL-r, Canadian, figured, 126.

\Varblcr. Clicslnulmulud. figured, “6, 7K, 79, So.

\Varliler, (inklelrwinged, 96: ured, 96.

Warbler, . lirillc. figured, 126.

Warbler, Parula, figured, 126.

\\'arbler. l’rollmuotary. 34.

Warblers. “Rum-eating, figured, 126.

\Varhlcr. Ycllou', 5o.

\\'arl)le1'. \‘ulluw-rumped, 166.

\\':Isl1iuglnn, l). (3., 29.

Water-Thrush, Louisiana, figured, 126, 130.

Vl/axwing, Cedar, 19$; figured, 90.

Weed‘s ‘ Birds' Calendar,‘ reviewed, 164.

\N'est Indies, 201.

“Wu-clocks ‘Nesllings of Marsh,‘ reviewed. 132.

\\'l1ippom'\rill, figured, 35.

Whitaker. \\'. L., figured, 58.

\\'id1nanu, mm, 165.

“'1 'un Bulldin, revlvn'cd, 164, 202.

\Vi. 1.~in, 30.

\\'is-lm1-ljon, 11o.

\\’oodcock, 163.

\Voudcock’s ‘Birds of Oregon,’ reviewed, 98.

Woodlmuse, S. “K, 60.

\Voodman, VV., 12.

\\'rcl1, Bewick‘s, 151.

“'ren, Carolina, 131; figured, 156.

\\'rcn. House, figured, 156.

\\‘reu, Marsh, Long-billed, 44, 50, 51; fig- urrd, 53.

\\'run, Shurbbilled, 51 ; figured, 53.

Wright. 5., figured, 58.

Hunt of. fig-

Furest and

\‘ellou'rthmal, Maryland. 50. 53; figured, :26.