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Page:Bird-lore Vol 04.djvu/241

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NCOPIES 0F BIRD-LURE WANTED! We will give 51 each [or the first 25 napies of BIRD. LURE ior Avril. 1900. No. 2. Vol. IL attuned to us, at Hinishurz,Fa.. in good condition.

fifth = late

November- December, 1902



rhesus-um...” \‘l-:\1 I'mIm‘uN snms In r:inn-.5Im:.1 LnLe. \InnnnmJnL innx. .

1 1|]. Cum Is... . . . . . . . . . V . IfIHI‘J/ Thom/mm 5m." x75 sV Innsunml . . . . . . . . nan .I/ L’Impumu r77 Imus. Iliusnuul . V V V / 4.ans 182 'Jmls n- l'uiVuRMItI In 7 Mind . II‘nmn. ss

’vlknleiIRF's (\IHHSI \|\\ B|R[I( INS FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS Hrm 'I‘n Nun: VII»: Ru: HI rawd. Sen-HUI paper . V . r . . . l-lel' JI. [Imp/mm ISQ 'I'Hr \mismu (0| \1 II . . . . V V . . In: (‘H _ mm mm Bum rm blasts , I92 mw- [,OHI A)“ IMIIM (' I M‘Imks I’uI/IIIII.‘ t/ ll VII/mu I’ll/i /nI, 7' CI'IIWI'I I‘l'ul'sml, Imi.‘ V F H' AV JUII . . . . V r 103 Hnw TU as.” nuns , . . . . . . I-unui iv, Uni/mum nM \VIHT BIRD L TIIIs? llhislmlinn . . . . . 195 FOR YOUNG OBsERVERS 'I'Ilh SCRHH‘II (l\\ I '~: VA! Is\ I IXI‘V \'cIScV [HIhUHlL‘d . . . . . I-Iurv'm’r a1. Hm 54ml I96 V NOTES FROM FIELD AND STUDY V . . . IgS

\\‘v\n-.u| i. Rmme mu (j. )AK \\ sums [/(Alilu' II'. why/ll. .\In B.\m.uu's Dunn; THE Tn»st ‘ . Ii-i<|r,\\ (JxmumniuVI-«rs' l‘\Iu .

BOOK NEws AND REVIEWS. . . . . . . . . . . . .2co “Rs. Bum-W's Huxnnnous m: Bums or 'rm: \\' s1 is. (‘ Inrn hH‘n 'Iiuxw m- m: RmKIi ; - *Ihxmm- 1: .L‘wr k um", II HV“ ‘In .5 m m H um: V I \rx : ‘ m (‘nxnuk '\\‘Il\'K)N Bums ux I’mmkau m. mu, Tu (I l‘. EDITORIALS. ..... . . . . V . . . . . V . . . .. V... . . . . . . r . .204

AUDUBON DEPARTMENT. . . . . , . . . . . . V . V i . , . . . .2c6 ism-mus or Sum-n * V- A: Iil'|:U\ [‘ox'I m- ca.

,5 Alumisnipix Inlmul'flil [m pub/minuan [mu/(J. Ma, /m mum. and arc/mug“ Mon/i! b: mu II) Hu- 15mm u! I:’uglmw.1. ,\'r"a/ fluvyV


“unnum- \ Hurl L' r l Ile~ri ml eisculme “in he «r | In all <uhsciihtl.

milnmm ni us rem-nu s nlil 1' consuls-ml umice \h' .Inn {'YHI in mm I Ins been made. Suhx min-us u-hmc m up“. u s nm .- pin mm H \ fiw mm 1 n A rn :u once by m- I nrnmr now. \ihcu |Iu~n \ulvw nun niII lu- \mnml mic ii-Vir hum ||Iv lit ul us L'xpumiuu. I I

fallen in: llleil' sub»


BIRD-LORI; is published on the first of every nine: month l)\‘ [he .\ mul Mulbur) sneak. llzulisburq l'n., when- nll uni cs ul' (hangs-i :ullh‘ V

Subscribers wnnse subscription expires with the present issue will find a nruperly daled rellcuu) Maul: in men magazl :2. In (he u mil u) u nlcslru nu! In I'eIIeWV the publishers would gl‘ezulr :Ippmtuuc n pnshil m Ihm cam.

kfi‘To subscribers whose subscription expired with an issue for October, 1902, and who have as yei mum numveti mu hm'lunlmi inn, n. Ivsplmsc m mn m.n.«r..,mn m: n "mice to discon» lillue men n nu- inc pissem numb rV sent in ins helm mm the nmm or renewal has been o\- looked. w: nu~l n \\'Ill now in [IIOIII'H mmn

Complete se‘s af Volumes I, II and III of ‘Bird-lare' can still be supplied.

Volume I contains 206 pages. with 79 illustrafinns; Volme IL 204 mazes, with_ no illus- tralinns; Vniume III, 225 was, with 92 iIIusIrntions. or 2 Iain of 638 page: quulvfllen‘ to abnnt 1,200 pages 01 lhe average Izmo boom, and 25x innstrutions.

Every number of ‘3’ d-Lure ' is as readable and valuable (Dilly as when it Was issued. and rm bird lover who is not ulnaav snpnlied can find a better invesiment than hack vol- unges (if (his magmine. VolsV I and III are offered El the subscription price of 31 such. post- paid; the price of Val II is $3.

nillau Co” at Crescent etc should be senL i


Eniurcd us Krcrunldliljs mai' umuur in the P05! ()il’lce at Harrisburg. Pa.

in. _____._