Index vii
Ohio, 19, 63.
Oriole. Baltimore, 30, 19, mo,
Osprey, figured, 55. so.
Osprey, The, reviewed, 34; note on, 169.
Oven»birds, 90.
Oystercatcher, I09.
Owl, Barred, 25. Earn, 47: figured, .17, +8, 49. Saw-whet, figured, 29.
Parakeet, Orange—fronted, 118. Parrots. 129. Parrot, Kaka. 118. Owl, 112. Parson-bird, 119. Peacock, 129. Pelican, Brown, 89. Pelican Island, 73. Pennsylvania, 17, 18, +7, 72, 165, 154. Petrel, 121. Pewee, Wood, 90. Western Wood, 154. Phalaropes, Wilson's, 146. Pheasants, 129, 178. Phoebe, 95; nest oi. figured, 198. 199, Pigeon, 127. Pigeon, Great Crowned, 128. Wild. figured. 209. Pigott's ‘London Birds, and Other Sketches.‘ reviewed, 31. Plzdra/iltmax "ion/i}, 64. Plover, Bartram‘s, figured, 54. Eastern Golden, 121. Piping, 182. Wilson‘s, 109. Wry-billed, 121, Plumages, 156. Prehle‘s ‘A Biological Investigation of the Hudson Bay Region,’ reviewed, 33, Prince Edward Island, 14. Psychology of Birds, 127.
Quail, California Valley. 116. Questions for Bird Students, 187.
Rail, Clapper, 109. Virginia, 146,
Records, Field, 125.
Redstart, American, figured, 189; Painted, figured, 191.
Rejected manuscripts, 68.
Rhode Island. 133, 139.
Ridgway, Robert, portrait of, 23: 'Birds of North and Middle America,‘ Part II, reviewed, 31.
Rives, Wm. C., portrait of, 131.
Roberts, T. S., portrait of, 23.
Robin, 26, 27, 30, 52. 89, 133, 1/7.
Saddle»baek, 120.
Sage. John H., portrait of. 96.
Saunders, W. E., portrait of, 131.
Scott, W. E. D., 67.
Scott‘s ‘Tlie Story of a Bird Lover,‘ re- viewed, 101.
Seton. Ernest Thompson. portrait of, 195. Shoveller, 146. Shrike, Loggerhead. 12;; figured. .23. .24. Sierra Nevada, .13. 52. Silverreye, 116. Skimmer, Black. 109; figured, rro. rir. Skylark, 119. Snowflake, 64, 156. South Carolina, 18. Southwick, ]. M., portrait of, 23. Sparrow, Chipping, 30. English. 27, 30, 123.163. Grasshopper, 98. Savanna, figured, 132. Song, 27. Tree, 9. Starling. 116, 133, 163. Mmm fitll'ginam, 82. Sin-rm unlillnrum. 8;. Stone, Wittner, portrait of, 131. Strong‘s “The Development of Color in the Definitive Feather.‘ reviewed, 65. Swallow. Bank. ISL Barn. 16., 199. Swallows, 198. Swan, Black, 119. Swift, Chimney. 133, 164..
Tennessee, 13. Tern. Black, H6: nest figured. 149. Common. 109. Forsters, 109. Gull-billed. 109: figured, 112. Least, figured, 33, 109. Common. 182. Royal, 109. Sooty, eggs figured. $1. 82. Thayer, Abbott H., 35. Thrush, Hermit, 84, North Island, 119. Todd, W. Clyde, portrait of, 61. Tomtit, South Island, 116. Turtugas. 77. 'l‘ui, 119. Turkey, Brush, 3; nest Figured, 7.
Verdin, 911,
Vermont, 1;,39. 165, 207.
Virginia, 109.
\‘tllture, Turkey, 184; figured. 137.
185, r125.
\Varbler. Black and White, 165. Blackburnian, figured, 60, 191. Grav, 114, 115. Kirtland’s. 169. Mourning, figured, 162. Palm, 199. Parula, 178. Prothonotary, figured. 192. Yellow, 201. Weed, C. M., portrait oi. 96. VVeed's 'A Partial Bibliography of the Economic Rclarions of North American Birds,‘ reviewed, 55.