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all): fluhuhon $06i£ti£5

" You £11"th with a Ira/fit1fiuli 1/11 [tue‘l‘s roux.

M» m Ute nit/rt nit Edited by MR.

Mimi—Li. USUUUD WRlGur (President ol the Audubon Sat, qty 0! the State ul

Connecticut), Fairneld. Conn. tu whom all Communications rclillitlg to the work in the Audubon

and other Bird Protective Societies should be addressed.

Reputh. rm. «lt-iiqttt-Al hit “11% annulment

should be sent at least one illolitll prior to tile (lfllc t>i publication.


With names and addresses 0! their Secretarl s

Caiitorrua Colorado. Connecticut . Delaware. District at Columbia Florida. tilinois . lndinna. lows . Kentucky Louisllnn Maine .. Maryland .. Massachusetts . Mtnnesota........ Mismuri . Nebraska . New Hampshire . . New Jersey. New York North Carolina

Ohio. onlahoma Oregon. Pennsylvania Rnade island . South Carolina Tenneee... Vermntit . Virginia Wisconsin Wynn-tin!”

The Literature of Bird Protection

Within the decade it has been tlitficult for the amateur bird student to obtain suitable guide-books ior his use. Then came tlte great revival of I395; enthusiasm started and waxed intense: the Audubon movement. that had beforetime merer flickered. swept into flame, and a crusade was formed. too strpng with a righteous indignation to he at first discrin uating in what it attacked. The fact of wholesale bird destruction was its battle-cry, a cry which has been heard at least around the civilized world even it all have not yet given practit‘al heed.

Next (time the demand, from tlte conser- vative. for definite and detailed information.

....Mas. WM. 5. HILL. it [15.101414 Dewitnizst lumen. zziz R street. Washington.



,. H . lss Msl’. WEsTa\ \\ rtll'Niil rvllSS HARRIET E. RICHARDS. care Boston Society of Natural History. Boston. ......l...erss SARAH 1.. . "Amt-st RE‘§|<. ,,.Mtss Jm' ilicmns, 5.4.. South guilt street. Oniah

_ ivitts. D. z. MCCl.El

Mits. RRl'RE G Tau-ans.

.. .\lk .l nu». .. HAY Retllnlldst lk<. MAlan .\. Sill Il-‘ llcllver. ,MRS. WHJJA.“ BlwwN chm-nit. Fairfield. Delnmore Place, Wilmington.

I. VANl’JERl'OOL. \iaitland. 508 \l'esl street, Wheatont

HI‘I Ainth

,MM.C R.TL‘T1I ..Failfield

7i5 St. Paul street. Baltimore.

PPTNAM. izs lnglehart street. St. Paul, sis North Fourteenth street. St. Louis.

Mas. F. w. Barcnawhu. Manchester.

. ,,.l\llS$ Jt’uA SCRIRNER. 5w F From streeh Plainfield. N. J. Miss EMMA H. Locchon. 2‘3 West Seventy-fifth street, New York City.

ason. Greensboro. nth street. Cincinnati. Am: tit HKHCOMK, Enid. -.s i\\iihaitts |\' rottlaud.

“nits. Eutmtu ROBINS. in South Twenty-first street, Philadelphia. .MARTHA R. CLARKE. hr; Brown Street. Providence.

_,Miss s. A. S.\I\‘TH. Legar: street, Charleston.

this. c. c. Conner. Ripley. K. Eaxkow Braillehom. MRS. ]_ C. Pl .1 ‘T, Glencl'lrlr Ill . 250 Langtlnn street. Madison.

.. Min. X. R. DAVls. Cheyenne

that remedies might he alluplell suitable for local needs.7 not figurative writing. but nt‘t‘urate. scientific statement, such as the general medical practitioner —ii he is zln able man—seeL from the specialist in trotiblous Case‘.

In answer to this demand has sprung a new form of expression, the Literature at Bird Protection,7literature.


because it goes far beyond the mere tabulation ()l facts. and thus wins for that its stat . {or it.

self a permanent place

llone l‘tlllltl ltltr tilllain

While the ltlajurity or innit in la. elzh. orate manuals of Ornithology and nature- hnuhs of tlle past eight years dll'ttll upon

the ernnontir value of

hirtls, it has been
