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Page:Bird-lore Vol 05.djvu/153

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The approaching anniversary at John James Antlnbon's hirtlttlny tin,- brought this letter to this othce:

New OkLE/ns, May t, I903.

Ta (It; Etlilnr 0/ Tile Timer-Dunorral. "On May 4. r780. there was born at Mnntleville. one of Louisiana’s most famous sons. John James Audubon. In after he became an ornithologist. celebrated for his wonderful abilities not only in tl Country. hut in many foreign countries. The lovcl of birds and their quiet haunts, he became tlte assot‘iate of tlte great ones at ll 5 world: kings, rulers. statesmen. 5 'en- tisls. found in this humble and brilliant man a worthy mot-rate. and they delighted

to honor ltim.

"To faithfully depict bird life with brush and pen became the ruling passion of his lite; for that purpose he at times gave up home, lamin and friends to wander through the pathless torust. The result of his labors in the massive volumes of the ‘Birds of North America.‘ remains today a monu— mental testimony to his industry, persis- tency, afl‘ttl‘nt‘)‘ and great attainments,

"This man loved birds for what they here—things ot life and beauty. Latter- tlay science has shown that birds are or- dained by the Creator to be a wondetlully ettectlt-o agency to keep in t'llcck the bottles of insect p ts, and one would suppose that in this state. so largely dependent upon its

agricultural tesoutt't's. the birds would have

the legal protection they so I 'hly tlesene:

but, on the Contrary, tlte spirit of lawless- ness and greed has berume )0 bold and tlet-iant that, it such protection is the insults of the destrucliun ot our birds and

its ked for,

one must face those whose

business the open mditterent-t- :tntl antagonism or some ot out lawrtlmke tn malty or the states, Audubon nnd ht: work are highly

appreciated: but in this. his home state,

we have taken the time to natne one of ottr parks after him and a theater. and that is all.

"To oliset this neglect, I suggest that next Monday the nenspapcrs print articles in commemoration of this remarkable man,


and that in every school short addresses be made to the children regarding the value of bitdeliie and the great importance of birds to the welfare of man. In other words, let us have a ‘Bird Day such as many ot the States have adopted.

"I suppose it is too much to expect to see upon each tecutting anniversary at Audu- lion’s birthday all children gathered together in Audubon Park to worthin celebrate tlte man and what his work stands for."

the school

FRANK M. MlLLER, rut-Prudent Anduton Satin. 9/ Luuln’nm.

"The criticrsm contained in this letter is suggestion made by Mrt Millet is admirable. It is quite true that the just lame oi John James Audubon has been somewhat neglected by citizens of the state ilt which he was born. The anni- \‘erszty or his birthday should, as Mr. Miller says, he properly celebrated." . —T/l! Timer-Demarral.

merited: the

The Fall Fashions

“ A study of the styles in women‘s head» wear now prevailing in Europe for summer wear, and after an inspection oi the first models prepared by the Pan an mod ten for the coming fall and winter season, we are deepy impressed by the fact that there will be more than an otdinaty demand for birds and bird plumage ot a variety ot Sltles. ers may be tempted to turn an honestt?) penny by investing in goods that are, to use an old army phrase, ‘contraband of war'—in other words, in violation of va- rious state game lat Dealers are warned against indulging in any method of buying or selling ,ueh merchandise that is in viola- tion oi the agreement of the Millinery Mer- chants' Protective Association and the Au- dubon Societies. as all violations of law coming to the knowledge of the members of the assuriation will be reported to the proper authorities. and punishment meted out to those who knowingly transgress the law. There is an abundance of birds and plum- age in the market that can be sold safely and at a fair profit withottt having recourse to law-breaking."—Millintry Trad: Rr Wit-1U tor Julv.

Under these renditions. some deal-