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Moscow; Dr, Herlut winge, Copenhagen; Dr. Samuel W. Woodhouse, Philadelphia. Prof. Dean C. Worcester, Manila. P. 1. Members, C. William Beebe. Prof. E. H. Barbour. Benjamin T, Gault. E. H. For— bush, George Spencer Morris. Robert E. Snodgrass. Dr. Reuben M. Strong. Dr. Robert H. Walcott. Ninety-eight associate members were elected.

A list of the papers included in the pro- gram is appended: In Mornoriarn: Thomas Mcllwraith. A. K. Fisher, Washington, D. (1.; Notes on the Bird Colonies of the California and Oregon Coasts. T. S. Pal- mer. Washington, 1). (1.; Nesting Habits of Florida Herons. A. C. Bent. 'I‘aunton. Mass; New Bird Studies in Old Delaware. Samuel N. Rhoads. Auduhun. N. L, and Chas. ], Pennock, Kennett Square, Pa; The x'Esthetic Sense in Birds, Henry Oldys. Washington, I), (1.: Votes onthc Protected Birds on the Maine Coast, with Relation to Certain Economic Questions. A. H. Nor» ton. Westbrooke. Me: Exhibition of Lan- tern Slides of Young Raptorial Birds. pho- tographetl hy ‘l‘hos. H. jackson, near West Chester. I’a., Witlner Stone. Philadelphia, Pa.; Views of Farallune Bird Life. Frank M. Chapman. New York City; The Bird Rnokeries of Cape Sahle and the Florida Keys, illustrated with lantern slides, Herbert K. Joli. Kent, Conn.: A Winter Trip in Mexico. illustrated with lantern slides, E. W. Nelson,Washiugton. D, C.: Some Nova Scotia Birds, Spencer Trotter. Swarthnlore. Pa.; Nesting Habits of theWhip.poor.will, Mary Mann Miller. Brooklyn. N. \".: Some Variations among.r North American Thrushes. J. Dwight, jl'.. New York City; The Spring Migration of 1903 at Rochester. N. Y.. E. ll. Eaton. N. Y. : \Varliler Migration in tile Spring of [903, W. W. Cooke. Washington. D. C.: Some Birds of Northern Chihuahua. Wm. E. Hughes. Philadelphia, Pa. ; A Reply (0 Recent Strictures on American Biologists. Leonhard Stejneger, Washington, D. c.; The Ex- altation of the Subspecies, ]. Dwight, Jr., New York City; Vurialiun‘i in the Speed of Migration. \V. W. Cooke, \Vashillgton,


Bird -Lore

D. C.; An Ornithological Excursion to the Pacific, Frank M. Chapman. New York City; Bird Life on Laysan Island, illustrated with lantern slides taken by Walter K. FisherI A. K. Fisher. Washington, D. C , Ten Days in North Dakota. illustrated wtth lantern slides. W. L. Baily, Philadelphia. Pa.; Two Neglected Ornithologistsi John K. Townsend and William Gamhel. Wit- mer Stone, Philadelphia, Pa.: Bird Life at Cape Charles. Virginia, George Spencer Morris. Philadelphia, Pa.; San Clemente Island and its Birds. Geo. F. Breninger, Phoenix. Arizona: Yosemite Valley Birds. 0. Widmann, St. Louis. Mo.; The Origin of Migration. P. A. Tavernier, Chicago. Ill.; Comparison of the Provisional Schemes of the Classification of Birds. R, W. Shu» feldt, New York City: A Contribution to- the Natural History of the Cuckoo. M. R. Leverson. Brooklyn. N.Y.; Mortality among Young Birds due to Excessive Rains, B. S. Bowdish. New York City. In conjunction with the Audubon Societies: Bird Protec» tion by Agrit-ulturists in Pennsylvania, H. A. Surface. Harrisburg. Pa.;' Collecting Permits: Their History, Objects and Re— T. S. Palmer. Washington. D. C.; Report of the Chairman of the Com» mittee on the Protection of North American' Birds. \Vm. Dutcher, New York City.


A Piazza Bird List

0n Octoher 3, 1903. I saw the following birds from the piazza of my home in Sum- mit, New jersey: A large flock of Golden- crowned Kinglets, Juneos. Chiekadees. Tufted Titmouse, Wood Thrushes. a large number of Veeries, a few Hermit Thrushes- (I think). six Catbirds, four Brown Thrashers. one Maryland Yellow-throat. two Scarlet Tanagers. a Goldfinch. a Brown Creeper, Robins innumerable. Blue Jays galore, and the inevitable English Sparrow.

Can any other reader of BIRD-LORI! beat that record? I was not looking for birds and I did not go oi? the piazza except to trace and identify one Brown Thrasher.— Bnltt'urt B. Win-soy, Summil. N. 7.