0:132 Qunuhon Societies:
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Communications relating to the work ot’ the Audubon and other Bird Protective Societies should
he addressed to Mrs. \\'rl‘;hl, at Ftlirlield. t‘onu.
Reports. etc,.tlesigned tor this tiepartrnent shuuhl he
sent N. least one month prior to the ttate ot publication.
With names and addresses of their Secretaries
California. Colorado Connecticut Dehwue. . District at Columbia Florida Georgia. lllinoi ludianit lawn Kentucky
Nebraska New Hamvshlre. New Jersey New Yorlt Nnnh Camllnar chin... onlahorna. Oregon Pennlylvanla. Rhnde Island South Carolina. Tenneuee Vermont Virlinia Wisconsin . Wyaming.
Meditations on the Posting oi Bird Laws
Those of us who live in states having fairly satisfactory laws for bird protection are wont to ponder every fall as to whether it will ever be possible to have them saris» farmrily enacted. wardens few and far between and the con- stables curiously near-sighted, but other- wise conservative citizens frequently mains tain that to prosecute nfientlers too vigor~ Dusly is both impolilic anti inexpedient, as very many of the violators are wholly un— aware of the existence of the statutes, or. if
Not only are the game»
Mrss A vs l‘alr
,Mrss HARRlET E. RchAxns. care Boston Socie Mrss SARAH L. PUTNAM, 2:9 5th 3\'Et.s- Alit‘rl'ST Reese, 25l6 North Fourteenth street, St. Louis. .Mrss JOY chclss,544 Soullt 30m street. Omaha.
. Mrss JULlA SCRJBNER. 5m 1‘ Miss EMMA n. Lo:x\voon,243 West Seventy-fifth street, New York City.
Mas. Geottm Gav, Redlands. ltts. Maxrna A, Ht" . Denver. LLth BROWN CLOVER. Faitfield.
MR5. wit. er. latices. Detarnure Place, Wilmington. hlits. JOHN DEwHuxsT Parrots, em R street. Washington.
Mailland. 'perinlelll.
Mas. l. VANDERPODI. k0rr§~0fl ll \‘.5nltsh~,ni l~
Miss M'slzv DRt'MMoND, one West street, Whuton.
\V'. \\'. WODLEN, Indianapolis.
._ MRS L. E. FELT. Kenkuk. MISS Jl‘l IE! 0. Al ES Henderson. I440 Arabella bl. [\ew Orleans. . Mk5. c. B. TUTYLE, Fatrfield. , 7l SI. Paul street. Baltimore. of Natural Hislury, Boston. ‘ Minneapolis.
. MR5. F. Wt BATCHELDER. Manchester. Frunt street, Plaillfield. Ni J t
‘r. GILHER‘I’ PEARSON, Greensboro.
. MRSt D, Z. MCCLELLAND, 820 West Ninth street. Cincinnati.
MRS, ADELIA Hol.c0.\ttz, Enid.
Mrss canritt-us'hlerctr. a, 634 williants ave, Portland. .MRS. EDWARD ROBle. H4 South Twenlysfirsl strzel, Philadelphiz.
MARTHA R. CLARKE, 89 Brown street, Providence. Mrss s. A, SMYTH. char: street. Charleston. MRS. C. C. CONNBR. Ripley.
tits. hietcner K. BARRUWS, Braltleboro. MRS. l. c. pram. Gleucarlyn.
c. THWAITES, 25° Langdon street. Madison. .st. N. R. DAVIS, Cheyenne.
they are vaguely aware that there is some sort of prohib' ion, think that it applies only to visibly private groundsitlley do not un- derstand that it is a state fiat. Certain it is that while the more intelligent Class oi the cognizant oi the laws, it is even for them no ea_ matter to keep abreast of the various changes that are likely to follow each leg'slatit‘e session,
community are usually
while to the newly arrived toreign element unable to rcztl English u-ho. together with cats, are tlle hirtls' worst enemies, how can we expect them to give heed to that they have never heard P The first step is to ten- tler each Communin thoroughly iniormetl.