- COPIES OF BIRD »LORE WANTED! We will give 51 each for the lint 25 conic: 0| BIRD-
LORE [or April, 1900‘ No, 2, Vol. II. returned It: us. at Hlflisbull. 92.. in good condition
%I’I‘D= lure
July- August, 1903
GENERAL ARTICLES “as l-‘xoxnswscs—Gmrwm: (ulm‘x hum: Hilan . . . . . . . . . mg rm Elwin-l. or (3mm XMAS“ ||lu.~l|:||t'll . . . . Maul- ill, Limp/mu lng ls n llnmrs m Nnr minus“. mum , (Inn/e: lamina 11.;
lur. l,m.r,sxnnu, Ntxlhfi l\ \l\~\\tlll rrs. llluelrlllcll . . mmr A/hv'll’url lI'utvllz m
‘WNll-Jl m In»... lemlrx . . . . V mum» Mum, v lmnn r25 slur nu (IN mu l~~rmmnm or muns . . ( ll'llllllm [mm m; Him 1 nut-x Am mm tan \t lluks‘ Filth Strias .5.
Pour.» m \\u. 4 km» \\ Izsmnnlr-rs,mum-r Ruman \\' Klllglll
NUI'ES l-‘KOM FIELD AND s-ruuv V . . 133
\ le s in, \H: m. llht , I. (WWW .|l nmlli, llm ._ Nr.>.l m lun |rl<ullt<u.l~
II mm. \x mm \l-\ \m. m m H vs» l1l\l : l~ Mm Ih'lmmu/
Cl IMNI:\ 9wer H. l\ .l/nwu Sl‘nkllxb I
HOUK NEWS AND REVIEWS . . r . i . ls-I um, m. Ill-\klmkx‘s -
m TIKR|R knunlt 1n NH ' l’xotrr.ul:~'tls or: we
\ mm“ «mum in.“ _ .lon; 'rnn stllllmnulcrxl. \ln .mssr zmrumnu . . AUDUBON DEPARTMENT . . . . . . . . . t . . . . . . . [37
g. .Vnnunu/m mum/n: m pulling/mu, bnuku. m” A» mum. null (kc/mime: Hawk! o. erI m m. [ultlm n/ ling/(found. .\'rm jl'uwv.
Sl’liL‘lAL NOTICE lilmv Lump“. lint! Ellile ulll he :em to all subs m... 4mm lu- lullslllx'u‘tl u mum-r .
>lllls<t|lnlln tlu€~ .nn t-\]IIR‘ «uh "I rIn-n snlN mums will by rurlulell n.
ers |cllc ing their sullsrrlpliulu. and its re
.qu entry or (t-Ilcwnl hits lug-9n mans. Suhscrihel's whose lssuc may have the Chart 3| DllLe b) renewing no“; when )eal’ lnnn um mm on us c\pirzllon.
BlRD-LDRE is nnhlflhed on the first of every other mouth in the Macmillan Cu, at Crescent .nnl llullrsm )lr<:l~‘, Hnrrislmrg, P3,, where nll Iln|in a (II bllillxgt‘ r ddre. ,Qlc., should he sent.
Sunscrihers whose subscription expires with the present issue wll find a properly dated Inllmhtl blank in their mafia us. In [he ever" m .\ desire Im| to renew, lh: publlsllers would nn-ltlr itmnerllllu n .nnlnl in Hull cllct‘L
lcn'Tn subset-hers whose subscription expired with the issue tor Juue. I903 and whu hav: .ts \t-l no hel rent-Md mm _l.l»st-upunn nun. m reslmnw m .nn Iqquufilhclll n, 3 "mice to discon- nnm the mllxnilxlv. the [IIT‘EK nllmller ls \‘cnl n [he heliel’ um [he mllllEl’ or renewal has been melluuLt'tl V\‘t' mm H ulll Ilnw mmw |Ilulllli| summon
Complete sets of Volumes I. II. III and IV D! ' Bird-Lore' can still be supplied.
Volume I coutuius 2% pages. with 79 illustrations; Volume II. 204 lanes. with so lulu- trutinus; Volume III. 228 pages, with 92 illustrations. or u toul of 63! Files lequivuent to IDDIII [.200 pages at" the average lzmo hook], Ind 251 illustrations.
Every uumner at 'Bird-Lnre' is us readable Ind vuluuhle today as when it w.“ issued, Ind no bird lover who is not already snpnlled can find I letter investment thin buck vol- umes at this magazine. Vals. I, m and IV ure altered ut the Snbscli‘mion price at $1 euch. Postnald: the price 0! Vol. II is $3.
rulered a. \t‘t‘nmlrl‘larx mull mum m m. l’ml (mitt- m Harrisburg. Pa.