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20 Bird - Lore

Waupaca, Wis—December 26. 8 at M, to 4 r. M, Clear, eight inches of snow on ground; light west wind; temp, 10W Ruffed Grouse, 4; Hairy Woodperker, 2; Red-headed Woodpecker, 4: Blue Jay. t2; Snowflake. 7; Tree Sparrow, 18; White- breasted Nuthatch. a : Chirkadee. 12. Total. 3 species, 61 individuals.~F. A. PoTTs.

Winneconne, Wis.Al)ecember :8, 19:12. 845 to 12,15, Clear in morning, becoming cloudy after ten o‘clock: light south \vintl; three to four inches of snow on ground; temp. 15°. Hairy Woodpecker, 5 :. Downy Woodpecker, 7; Blue Jay, 13; Crow, 12; Tra: Sparrow. 1 : SiflleaCoiOred junco. 1 ; Brown Creeper, 2: White-breasted Nuthatch, 12; Chickadee, 10, Total. 9 species. 63 indivirluals.~Het<ky P. Seversox.

North Freedom, Wis—Time, 9 A. .\1. to 11.30 A. M. Cloudy, eight inches of snow; wind, cold. brisk, northwest; temp, aVeragetl 2°. Bob-white, 10; Rul'fed Grouse, 1; Hairy Woodpecker, 1; Downy Wnodperker, 1; Blue Jay, 1: Pine Siskin, 30; Tree Sparrow. 5; Junco, 3; White»breasted Nuthatch. 2: Chickadee, 2. Total, 10 species, 56 individuals. "ALIL‘K WE'I‘MOKE.

Albuquerque, New Mexican—Time, 10.45 A. .\1. to 5 In M. Clear; wind, northwest, light: te111pr,4ol. Sharp-shinned Hawk, 1: Red-shafted Flicker, 3; Desert Horned Lark, .100: Dusky Horned Lark, zoo; American Raven, 3; Reddvinged Blackbird, 2o; Western Meadowlark, b; Brewer’s Blackbird, 13; House Finch, 300; Intermediate Sparrow, 60; Western Tree Sparrow, 25; Oregon junco, ro; White-rumped Shrike, 2; Slender-billed Nuthatch. 1; Western Robin, 1. Total, 15 species, 1,047 individuals,»— Wt GRAY HAkMAm .

Santa Barbara, Cal,—Dccenlher 26, 1902, 9.45—11 A, 31., 1271 and 3A+1n 11L Clear, calm; temp., 65°. Baird‘s Cormorant, 4; Red—throated Loon, 1; Valley Partridge, 6; Cooper‘s Hawk, 1; Western Rcdtnil, r ; Nuttall’s Woodpecker, 3; California Wood— pecker, 3 ; Red~shafted Flicker, 6; Nighthawk, 1 (7 r. .11.]; Anna's Hummer, 1; Say’s Phoebe, 2; Black Phorbe, 4; California Jay, 7: California Purple Finch, 1; House Finch, 59: Arkansas Goldfinch, 58: Golden-crowned Sparrow, 7; Spurred Towhre, 3; California Brown Touhee, 20; California Shrike. 5; Hutton’s Vireo, 8; Audubon‘s Warbler, 78; American Pipit, 1: Pasadena Thrasher, 7: Dotted Canon Wren, 2; Plain 'l‘itmouse, 2: VVren-rit, 6: Bushait. 81; Rul))'»t‘ro\vncd Kinglet, 3; Western Goat-catcher, 2; Alaska Hermit Thrush. 2: Western Bluebird, 14, Total, 32 species. 399 individuals.#ANKz\ Hun.

Questions for Bird Students 11

7. What bird has learned to sing the song of the Canary? 8. Mention an instance in which a bird is known to have nested far

north of its regular breeding limits.

9. How often has the Chipping Sparrow been known to feed its young during one day?

10. How many birds have been recorded from British Columbia?

11. What Hawk is believed to track its prey in the snow, following it on foot?