Death of Thomas McIlwraith
Thomas McIlwraith. a member of BIRD-LURE) 5 Advisory Council. whose portrait appeared in the last issue of this magazine. died at his home in Hamilton, Ontario. in the seventyininth year of his age. on January 31,
1903. Mr. Mcllwraith was born in Newton, Arr. Scotland. December 25,
1824, and came to Hamilton in 1855 Seven years later he published, in
the Canadian Journal. a list of birds which he had observed in the region.
This was followed by a more extended list, published in the Proceedings of
the Essex Institute for 1866‘ In 1886 the first edition of his ‘Birds of
()ntario‘ appeared, and the second edition of this useful work (1894) is
still a standard. Mr. Mcllwraith was one of the twentyrfive founders of l the American ()rnithologists‘ Union
What Bird is This?
mm mmmm. *LCnglh. :2; m. Linc m mun n: rmuu. xmul lH'hIlId .m. line m‘t-t qr. throat and lmast nah» who“. hull"! .mmmiu. lit-Hi: hark mm» ulm- m-u “nuikt'd mu. him. mi “mush mun milr ln‘zllmrs. ui|h man-or lt'~~\\hnc [\iu uhur mama's >Itlt~~ ~Inu<k<wl \ch Muck
NuTP.-—- Eat-h nunllter ul BlkiyLoRE will (-uiualn 1| photograph, from specimens in the American Museum of Natural llislul'). of some rumpnnuively little-known bird, or hird in uhst‘urc plumage. the name of which “ill lw uithheld until the succeeding number of the magazine: ll heing believed thal this method of arousing the student's ruriosily will mm in impressing m2 hird'~ ('hamrtvrs upon my mind. The svecies tigurrtl in l’ulvruaxv is Ihe San-“hut ()ul.