fine fluhubon boasting
You Calvin! mth a $(n1flr/flm! rhc [to/1‘s rant, l m' not Mr mm bi'nt'r song."
Editetl by .\lits. MAIIEI. ()SGUUD Wtuaur (President oi the Audubon Society of the State 0!
Connecticut). Fairneltl. Conn,
to whom all communications relating to the work OI the Audubon
and other Bird Protective Sotieties should he addressed. Reports. etct. de<iglled for this department should he Sent at least one month prior to the date of publication.
With names and addresses at their Secretaries
Cllilornla, Color-do Connecticul Delaware. D triet at Columbia
Kentucky . Louisisns Maine .. erylnnd . Massachusetts Minnesota Missouri Nebraska New Hamnshtre New Jersey, New York North Carolina, Ohi Oklahoma. Oregon. Pennsylvania. Rhode Island South Carolina Tennesaez. Vermont Vim nia Wllconsm . Wyominz.
Free LecturesaFree Bird CharlsiFree
Circulating Libraries
lRt'flti ‘M Annual Cullzlcss ul Auduholl sin-tc Ill \l'ashtntvttnn D C. xtnrnrhov to. warn)
ill‘ll‘ In the above-mentioned order should these three fat-tors hold place iii the educa- tional work of the Audubon Societi and as it is upon the worth of its educational
work, especially that in the public sthools. that tlte whole future of the movement for bird protection hinges, the importance of these ial‘tol’s cannot he overestimated.
The lecture logically hohls tirst place, as it is tintiottlnetlly lite best means of, we may almost say, compelling the attention
.Mts. 1t
M»; UEUKGE R (in Redlands. \hls. .‘lAIlINA A. Sntln: Denvem Must “tILLlAM BROWN CLOVER. Flirfteld.
MR5. WM. st HlLLES, Delamore Place, Wilmington our: annursr Puma. 22x: R street, Washington
tuMR I. VANDERPOOL. Maitlnnd.
Miss MARV DRI'MMOND. 208 West street, Wheaten,
w \v. WooLEN, lndianapolis. Mrs. L. E. Fm. Keolulk.
mo Atttllt-lla S'. ew Orlean. . MRS. c. 8. Tune, Fairlield. 7:5 St. Paul street, Baltimore.
,Mtss Sam; L. runs-an, r25 Inglehart street, St. Pnul. \l'thsr Rt
- «gm Nurlll Fourteenth street, St. Louis, Ns, 54.. Smith 3001 street. Omaha. . HATCHEt.nex. Manchester.
. ._ .IA 5(‘Klllth.5lo F Front street, Plainfield,N J,
Miss EMMA tl. Lockwoomus West Seveltl) firth street,Now York City.
T. Gun ttr Pearson, Greensboro. LLANl), :0 \\'t t Nintltstrect, Cillcinnalit \trs Aunt,” Hohcom, Enid. Williams nvet. Portland.
ms. EDWARD RORINS. H4 South 'l‘wcllt first street, Philadelphia.
tannin it, CLARK so Biotin street, providence. ,M s s A. 5mm, Legare street, Charleston VIRS. c, C Conner. Ripley. Ki linkltows, Brallleboro. lists. ll c. PLANT, Glencarlyn. 260 Langtton street. Madison. its ‘. it. Dms. Cheyenne.
of those who are but slightly interested in birds, it at all, Many people of all ages will go to look at pictures, merely as pic- tures, the subject-matter being of secondary importance, while the interest thus aroused may be held and developed by other methods. Thus a well-constructed, well— illustrated free lecture should be the first equipment of all associations for bird study, while the terms wall-ramlrutletl and well- illiuzmml have more than a mere nominal significance.
Whatever may be the scope of other lec- titres.7and if a society can attord to have lectures of several grades all the batten—the