vi Index
Eagle, Bald, 13. Egret. American, 103. Emu. The. reviewed, 102.
Farmers. Relation of Birds 10. 72.
Finch, House. 17; PurPIE, 9. 13, 15, 16, 98. 154- .
Flamingo. American. 138. 193, 209; figured. 193, 19.1,. 195,196. 197,198.
Flicker, 9, 1o, 11. 13, 1+, 16. .17. 5o. 52, 97. 137; Red»shaited. 1.1, 17.
Florida, 103.
Flycatcher, Crested. 98; Green»cre.~ted. 167; Least, 98. 13.1; \'e|low»bel|ied. 168.
Forbush's ‘The Destruction of Birds by the Elements in 1903~o4,‘ mentioned,
Golden-eye. American. 8,9, to. 11.
Goldfinch, American, 8, 9, 1o, 11. 12, 13, 1+, 15. I7, 93, 133. 15+; Green- backed. 17.
Grackle, Boat~tai|ed. 1+; Bronzed. 9. 14. 15; Purple. 12. 13. 1.1, 98.
Grebe, 11; Holbcell‘s. 8; Horned. 9, 11; Pied-billed. 1.1, 52.
Greenfinch. 191.
Grosbeak, Evening, 16, 17; Pine, 8,9, 10, 11. 12, 1+, 15, 17. 98, 15+; Rose- hreasted, 98; Western evening, 17.
Grouse. Rufied. 8,10, 11, 16. 17, 47, 52. 81; figured. 82, 84. 85.
Gull, Great Black-backed.8,9.1o.12,13; Herring. 8, 9. 10, 11. 12. 13,113,236. 168; figured. 87, 88; Ring~billed. 13, 16.
Hawk, Broad-winged, 1.}, 168; Cooper’s. 12. 13. 16, 168; Duck,+7, 168; Marsh. 10. 13. 15. 17. 78; figured. 77; Pigeon. 10, 168: Red-shouldered, 15, 110; figured, 1o9; Red»tai|ed. 10. 11. 12. 13,14. 15. 16. 17; Sharp-shinned, 9, 13.14.16;Sparr0\v.9.10,13.1+,15, 16, 11+; figured. 113; Western Red— railed. 17.
Hemn. Great Blue. 1... 20.}; Snowy. 38, 103; figured, 37,
Hofimann’s ‘A Guide to the Birds of New England and Eastern New York.‘ re- viewed. 100.
Hornady‘s ‘The American Natural His- tory,‘ reviewed, 135.
Hummingbird, Anna's 17: Ruby~throated, H.911,
111111.111. 99. lndigodiinl. 911, 20..
jarohs' ‘ The Haunts oi the Golden-winged \Varbler.’ reviewed. 206.
japan. 139.
Jay, Blue. 8. 9, to, 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. .17, 50. 52. 89: California. 17;
Florida Blue. 185I 186. 187; figured, 185; Pinon, 17; Rocky Mountain. figured, 161; Texan, 1.1..
Jones’ ‘The Birds of Ohio.‘ reviewed, 30.
journal of the Maine Ornithological Society. reviewed, 71, 1oz.
judd‘s 'Birds of a Maryland Farm.‘ re- viewed. 30.
Junco. Intermediate, 17; Oregon. 17; Pink- sided. 7; Slate~cu|ored, 8, 9. 1o. 11. 12, 13, 14, 15. 16 ; Thurber’s. 17.
Kentucky. 168.
Kermond's ‘Catalogue of British Columbia Birds,‘ reviewed, 206.
Killdeer. 13, 14. 17.
Kingbird, 98.
Kingfisher. Belted. 1.1.. 17. +7. 52.
Kinglet. Golden-crowned. 8, 9. 10. 11. 12, 13. 1.1.15, 16. 15+} Ruby-crowned,13,' Is, 171 15+
Kohlmeiser, 191.
Kumlien and Hollister’s ‘The Birds of Wisconsin.‘ reviewed. 30.
Lark, Desert Horned, 6; figured. 6, 7; Horned, 6. 9. 13, 15; Pallid Horned. 14. 17; Prairie Horned. 15, 16.
Leucosticte. Gray—crowned. 7.
Loan, 8. 11; Red-throated. 8.
Louisiana. 166.
Macoun's ‘Catalogue of Canadlan Birds,’ reviewed, 30.
Magpie, 17.
Maine. 168.
Manitoba. 1.
Martin. Purple, 99, 167.
Maryland. 30.
Massachusetts. 8, 9. 10, 63, 9;, 133.
Meadowlark. 9. 1o. 11,12,13,1.§,15.98, 20.1; Western, 14. 17.
Merganser, American. 2, 9. 10. 11. 13; Red-breasted. 1o, 14.
Michigan. 86.
Miller‘s ‘With the Birds in Maine,‘ re- viewed. 69.
Mockingbird. 8. 13. 1+, 15. 67, 134, 166, 185,186; Western. 14.
Montana. 30.
Nature Books. editorial on. 32.
New Hampshire, 8. 97.
New jersey. 64. 98. 99. 133. 13.}, 168.
New York, 98. 131, 134. 167.
New Zealand. 36.
Nighthawk. 52.98: figured. 165.
North Carolina. 25.
Nuthatch, Red-breasted, 8. 1o. 12. 13. 1.1. 16: Slender-billed. 17; White-breasted, 8. 9. 1o. 11, 12. 13. 1.4.. 15. 16. 17. 98.