’Qllhe Quintth éucietizs
" no cumin! m‘tlt a “abet/ind Me )ad': rant. Nor yet the wild bmrr .l'mlf."
Communications relating la HI: work D! llte Audubon and other ertl Pruleelxt-e SDCicIlE~ slluuld
he addressed to Mrs. Wright. :11 Fairfield. Conn,
Reports. cll: .
dc~l tetl tur tlrts tlcttxrlmenl should be
sent a! least one month prior [0 the date of publltntton.
With nlmel and lddrenel at their Seeretnries
Celltnmie Calm-do Cannmku! Dcllwue , . Dllhict ol Columln
Kentucky . Mall-Inna. Kline .. "Inland . I‘ll-Insulati-
[155 less”; E. JRPI~
The Lodging sud Feeding 0! Birds
While it is to be hoped that the coming winter may be less severe thznthe last. 'n all but the southern states winter at best is a period at hardship tor the birds. am! not alone for the species that gather about tltvel- ings. making a direct appeal to one's sympathies; but [or the game-birds no less, while there list are more apt to be neglected because we of necessity see less of them.
It would be well if the secretary of each State Atldtlhun Society collltl issue a post-
. .Mlss JULIA SCRIBNKR. 5m .Mlss EMMA H. Lockwoan. 245 West Sevent
,\\’ st-titl \\'.tt. mettle MAk'luA .-\ gut-n2. ltettver Mus, WILLIAM BROWN GLOVEK. Flirfield,
,MIS. WM. 5, HILLHS. Delzlnore Flare. Wilmlngton. as. JOHN DEWHURST PA’TTEN. m: R street, Washington.
.Mns. LVANDKIYOOL. Mlitland. on H. N. Sunsns. ul' Expettnteut. ARV DRUMMOND. 105‘ West street. Whalon.
' .Fmtt st-tt A. tlnwu. Hillside r\\'c.. Illdinlnpolll.
_MRS. \\'. F. anntwr. \\’:tt¢r|nu. .Mlss JULlE‘r 0. Au Henderson KING. [8‘32 Peters at . . ew Orleans. .. Mus. C. B. Tu'rtLIK. Fairfield.
Mtss ANNE Wts'sroN Wmth , 7|55L Puul street. uslturtore. 'l\llAl.L, are noston strelety or Nalurzl History. Boston. IIan Bl'TLER, Suite :q. Home Bank Hniltlillg, Dulrnll.
..Mtss )HSSlK “Mums. 2356 Bayltess are, SI. l‘ .AUGUST REESE, 25x6 North Fourteenth street. 5!. Lotus.
Mtss lrw Htaetns. 544 South 30th street, Omaha.
.... .. Mns. F. w. BA'rEHELDKl. Mtnelrteter. . From slreel, Vlaillfield. N.J. fiml street, New Yurk city. .T. GILIERT PEARSON. Greensboro. x: .LMANFYH L AlultlTT. lltl Furlts.
. Mrts. D. Z. MCCLBLLAND, 8111 West Ninth street. Ctrtcittneti.
.Mas. ADKLIA Haunt-me, Enid.
,A, w. AerlnNY (rres't). 900 Tlutrrusu street. Punlnttd. DWARD Rams. In South Twenty-first street. Philadelphin. Miss. M. '1'. Gem, X37 Bowen street. Providence.
.Mtss s. A. 5mm. Legure street. Charleston.
Mrs. C. c. CoNNll. Kinky. LS HIWE TERHI‘NR. l ’I Print. TCHEI K BARROW Braillehoro. .Mr. E. c. HOI'l‘tH. ls Clutrelt.
.st. REUBEN G, TNWAIYKS. 160 liattgtlml street. Madison.
Mus. (‘ottttnus CNIH. rloV.Clleyenne
canl giving cullcise directions tor teetllng to all local secretaries and members who are school teachers. for in this way a chain of feeding stations can It: established through- out the country.
This matter of feeding not the careless atlair that it seems; but in order to he ellee- tive must he conducted rematically and intelligently.
A random scattering of Crumbs is not leetling hirtls in general ‘. ltttr ngllslt Sparrows in particular. Dlscrinunatlnn must he used. antl an edged-shell ( perforated