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The Christmas Bird Census

cesslul than any of the three which have preceded it. This fact is best expressed by a statement of the number of reports received each year since the Census was inaugurated, Thus, in 1900 twenty-five re- ports were sent in. in Igor. thirtyrfour, in [902, fiftyrthree, and in 1903,


The area covered extends from Ontario, Vermont, New Hampshire. Michigan and Wisconsin, south to Florida and Texas, west to California and Washington: and the Census is interesting, not alone from the number of reports made, but also because of the rather unusual character of their contents, Pine Grosbeaks, which last year were not mentioned by a single observer, are now reported from New Hampshire, Vermont and Michigan. to as far south as Wernersville. Pennsylvania, and Kewanee, Illinois, and Redpolls are also included in a number of the lists received. A further feature of the reports is the abundance of Chickadees noted.

Queenstown, Ontario, Canada, along River Road—December 22; time, u ri. M. lo 12,30 r-. M,; r,3o P, M, to 5 P, M, Partly cloudy; ground bare, wind west to nonh- west, strong; temp. 24", Herring Gull, 35: American Mcrganser. z: Golden-eye. 5; Downy Woodpecker, 1; Blue Jay, ru; Crow, 3; Goldfinch, 3; White-breasted Nut- hatch, d; Chickadee, 60; Total. 9 species, r23 individualS.—HAKKY HUBBARD LARKIN.

Wilton, N. H,—Time, 9,30 A, M. to 12 M. Cloudy; ground bare; wind west, light; temp., +2”. Rulfed Grouse, 3; Downy Woodpecker, 4; Blue Jay, 7; American Crow, 2: Pine Grosbeak, 43; American Goldfinch, r: Tree Sparrow, 5; Junco, 7; Catbird. r; Brown Creeper, 5; White-breasted Nuthatch, q; Red-breasted Nuthatch, 4; Chick- adee, II, Total, I; species, 97 individuals, The Cathird is evidently a 'leh-over.’ l have seen the bird once oefore, about three weeks ago, feeding on frozen apples.—GEOIGE


Bethel, Vt,— December 24; time, 3 in M. to +30 P, Mt Heavy clouds, raining slightly; ground mostly snow~co\lered, as it has been since November 2+; ramp. 36". From window overlooking a bird’s lunch counter. Blue Jay, 4; Pine Grosbeak, 3; Goldfinch, lo: Chickadee, 7. Total, 4 species, 24 lndividllaiSa—ELTA M. LEWls.

Bristol, Vt.-—Time, 9 At .u. to 4 p. M. Cloudy; ground mostly hare; wind north- wesr, light; temp., 32°. Rufied Grouse, 2; Downy Woodpecker, 2; Pileated Wand- pecker, r; Goldfinch, 3r; Tree SparrOW, 4;; While—breasted Nuthatch, r; Chickadee, 6. Total, 7 species, as individualsiA. Ci Drxs.

Brattleboro, Vt.—Time, 9 A, M. to 2,30 P. Mt Cloudy: ground partly covered with snow; wind south, light; tempt. 43°. Downy Woodpecker, 2; White—throated Sparrow, 2; Tree Sparrow, 2; Brown Creeper, a; White-breasted Nuthatch, S; Red-breasted Nuthatch, r; c ickadee, r8; Golden Crowned Kinglet, s, Toral 3 species, a: individ— uals-WM, C, Honus,

Nahant, Mass,—December2$; 9.30 to 3.30. Clear; snow on ground; wind north- west, fresh; telllp.. l6°. Holbwll‘s Grebe, 2; Loon, 2; Red-throated Loon, 1; Great Black -backed Gull, r5; Herring Gull, 7 , Red-breasted Merganser. 2+; American Gulilen»eye, .3: Old Squaw, 7; White-winged Scorer. r; Crow. 30: Redpoll ['prob- alvly Greater]. r; Song Sparrow. Mockingbird, r: Chickadee, 7i Total, .4 species. 135 indillitllmls,—HERVEV wt Knn. '

BlRD-LORE'S Fourth Christmas Bird Census was even more suc-
