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Page:Bird-lore Vol 06.djvu/44

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The Migration of Warblers

25. 1899-


The latest record for the United States is the — probably acci-

dental—occurrence of this species at Germantown. Pa.. November 19.



The summer home of the Chat extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The species has been separated into an eastern and a western form. and in the following tables. the notes for Colorado and the Pacific Coast refer to the western form (lclrriu wirm: Iangimudn), the rest to the eastern (Icttria

virrm‘) .


Nn. oi years' [C(ald

Arnaze dale nl l

5mm: aniial

Earlirst talc m sPrllIlt umral

PLACE Allan/it Coat!— Savannah. Ga . . . . . i . Atlanta, Ga. (near) . . . . . . .

Southeastern South Carolina . . . . .

Raleigh. N. c.. .

Asheville. N. C. (near) . . . i .

Variety Mills. Va..

White Sulphur Springs. w. V2,: I .

French Creek. W. Va. . . . . Walhington.D. . . . . . Beaver. Pa. Berwin. Pa. . . . Renova. Pa. Englewood. N. J. Portland. Conn.

Cambridge. Mass.

M ininippi Vallty — New Orleans. La.

Southern Miss sippi I . I . I I '

Helena. Ark. . Eubank. Ky.


Brookville. Ind. . Petersburg, Mich,

Chicago. ill . . . . . . . . . . . ' '

Rockford. Ill. Keokuk. Ia.

Hillsboro. Ia. In lanola. Ia.

Grinnell. Ia . . . . . . . . . . . Iowa City. I: . . . . . . . . . .

szlzrn Unllril Statu—

Fort Brown. Texas. . . . San Antonio. Texas . Nonhern Texas Ouaga. Kans. . . . Solltheaatern Nebraska Denver. Colo. Southern California . . i . . . Central California Oregon

Chelsn.Wash . . . . . . . I . I ‘

. 4.x- ww&\lvlvu\1 exam or».

April April April April April April May May May May May May May May I

April April April April April April May i May i May May May May May

17 2r 25 23 26 29 2

r r z 9 B 9 3

I9 18 22 23 2-6 30


7 3

l 7 6 S


March 30 ‘

April April May May May April

to '9 .; 6 2 is

April 22 May r;

l J

April u. lgoz April :6. 1394. l895 April t9, l887 April :8. r888 April in. lap. April is. r896 April 29. :897 April 26. r89; April :9. rs“ April 29, 1890 May 6,1902 ay 5-1594. I\lkgay 5.1556 ay 3. is May is 9*


April .3. i399 April .7. [390 April l6. 1896 April .9. its; April 2!. in; April 26. ans May 3. I894 May to. 1897 May l2. i839 April 28. 1896 April 26. t897 May .-,. t9o2

May 1, l887

May 2. lqu

March 26 April 5. t89o April is. rate April 26. 1896 April 29. t886 April 10, 1897 April 5,1335 April i4, IXSS May 4

May as, i395