The Audubon Societies 77 rights, if we are to believe the 'Review,' are being violated, they have no more right to encourage a traffic which is speedily bringing to extinction one of nature's most beautiful creatures than they have a right to commit any other wanton depredation which will rob those who come after us of their heritage in nature. And we suggest that no more fitting term can be applied to the bunch of aigrettes which apparently women can be prevented from wearing, not by an appeal to their sym- pathies and alleged tender-heartedness, but only by the strong arm of the law, than to designate them the White Badge of Cruelty . — Ed. The Mrs. Bradley Fund Total subscriptions reported in February Bird-Lore, includ- ing January 6 $791 50 Subscriptions including March 15 632 50 Total $1,424 00 ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIBERS TO FUND Anonymous — From a friend $25 00 Goldfinch 2 00 Minnedosa 4 00 Protectors of Passage Key Reser- vation 10 00 T. G. M. . . . 5 00 Avery, Mrs. S. P 25 00 Beech, Mrs. Herbert 25 00 Bell, James 1 00 Blunt, Miss Eliza S. ... 1 00 Bradley, Mrs. Richards 10 00 Brandegee, Robert B 1 00 Bristol, B. B 1 00 Brooks, S 5 00 Brown, Elizabeth G 1 00 Cammann, Miss Kate L 25 00 Codman, J. S. . . . .... 5 00 Crocker, J L 2 00 Cummings, Miss Annie M. ... 2 00 Florida Audubon Society .... 50 00 Gannett, Lewis Stiles, and family. 5 00 Johnson, C. R 1 00 Kenwood Bird Club 1 00 Kerr, Mrs. John C 15 00 Job, Rev. Herbert K., proceeds of story entitled "Bird Protection's First Martyr," bought by Col- lier's Weekly 225 00 Lee, Miss M. A. ...... . 5 00 Lovett, Miss Charlotte B 2 00 McConnell, Mrs. L. D 3 00 Macy, Mrs. V. Everit 10 00 Mandell, D. W 1 00 Miller, Miss Elizabeth S. . . . 10 00 Moore, Mrs. J. H 1 00 New York Audubon Society ... 50 00 Norwalk Bird Club 8 00 Pennock, Aldrich J 1 00 Perkins, Ellen G 5 00 Richards, H. R 1 00 Rives, Dr. William C 25 00 Schroeder, Miss Lizzie H 2 00 Schwab, Rev. L. Henry .... 1 00 Shannon, William P 10 00 Smith, Miss A. W 3 00 Sprague, Mrs. Isaac 5 00 Stringer, H. 5 00 Towne, Rosa M. ..... 5 00 Tweedy, Miss Florence .... 1 00 Vaughn, A. A. 3 00 Walley, H. B ,00 Webster, L. F 1 50 Wharton, William P. ..... . 25 00 Zimmermann, Miss Mary .... 1 00 $632 50 State Reports* Connecticut The Connecticut Audubon Society has continued its work this year along educa- tional lines, through the public schools mostly. We have added one thousand and sixteen new members to our number, the larger proportion of these being associate members, for children who sign a pledge not to harm birds, but do not pay a fee or re- ceive a certificate. We have added ten new libraries to our numbers for circulation through the Board of Education. Instead cf buying new bird-charts for the schools, we have pasted bird and nature pictures, about fifteen hundred of them, on heavy mounts, and they were arranged into portfolios by the
- Lack of space has prevented the earlier publication
of these abstracts.