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COPIES OF BIRD -LORE WANTED.— We will give 50 cents each for the first 50 copies of Bird-Lore for February, 1905, Vol. VII, No. 1, returned to us at Harrisburg, Pa., in good condition. Mail copies flat under three cents postage. l&trti*iUre May - June, 1906 CONTENTS GENERAL ARTICLES P Frontispiece — Rio Grande Yellow - throat, Ovenbird, Louisiana and Northern Water-Thrushes Louis Agassiz huertes . With the Whip-poor-wills. Illustrated . . ... A. D. Whedon . To a Chimney Swift. Verse Dora Read Goodale . Wood Thrush and Nest. Illustration . . . . . E. Van Altena . Stray Birds at Sea F. M. Bennett, Lieut. Commander, U.S N. Brown Thrasher on Nest. Illustration Frank M. Chapman . Photographing a Bluebird's Nest by Reflected Light R. IV. Hegner . The Amount of Science in Oology Thos. H. Montgomery, Jr. The World Problem. Veise .S. S. Towles . California Mountain Partridge. Illustration 83 FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS The Migration of Warblers. Sixteenth Paper. Illustrated by Louis Agassiz Fuertes and Bruce Horsfall IV. W. Cooke . 100 NOTES FROM FIELD AND STUDY A Robin-Oriole Nest, illustrated, E. C. Hough ; A Robin Episode, Abbott H. Thayer; Bird- ■ Life Along Sucker Creek, Nelson A Jackson : A May' Snow-storm, H. Tullsen. BOOK NEWS AND REVIEWS EDITORIAL 106 108 AUDUBON DEPARTMENT EDUCATIONAL LEAFLET NO. 20. Rose-breasted Grosbeak. With Colored Plate

  • % Manuscripts intended for publication, books, etc., for review and exchanges should be

sent to the Editor, at the American Museum of Natural History yyth Street and 8th Avenue, New York City, N. J". Subscribers whose subscription has expired will find a renewal blank enclosed in the present num- ber of the magazine. On receipt of your renewal we will send you the Seton Bob-white picture, which should be consid- ered due notification of the entry of your subscription. If you do not care to renew, will you please notify us. Reduced facsimile of the reproduction of Ernest Thompson Seton's drawing of the Boh- white. Presented to every subscriber to Vol. VIII, 1906, of Bird-Lore. The original, printed on heavy plate paper, suitable for framing, is nearly life-size. Entered as second-class mail matter in the Post OiTice at Hartisburg, Pa.