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Ct)e &ut)ufton |5ocietfe0 " You cannot with a scalpel find the poet's soul, Nor yet the wild bird's song-." Edited by MRS. MABEL OSGOOD WRIGHT and WILLIAM DUTCHER Communications relating to the work of the Audubon and other Bird Protective Societies should be addressed to Mrs. Wright, at Fairfield, Conn. Reports, etc., designed for this department, should be sent at least one month prior to the date of publication. DIRECTORY OF STATE AUDUBON SOCIETIES With names and addresses of their Secretaries California W. Scott Way, Pasadena. Colorado Mrs. Martha A. Shute, Capitol Building, Denver. Connecticut Mrs. William Brown Glover, Fairfield. Delaware Mrs. Wm. S. Hilles, Delamore Place, Wilmington. District of Columbia Mrs. John Dewhurst Patten, 2212 R street N. W., Washington. Florida Mrs. I. Vanderpool, Maitland. Georgia Martin V. Calvin, Augusta. Illinois Miss Mary Drummond, 208 West street, Wheaton. Indiana Florence A. Howe, 2043 Hillside ave., Indianapolis. Iowa Mrs. William F. Parrott, Waterloo. Kentucky Miss Juliet O. Alves, Henderson. Louisiana Miss Anita Pring, 1682 Peters Ave., New Orleans. Maine Mrs. C. B. Tuttle, Fairfield. Massachusetts Miss Jessie E. Kimball, care Boston Society of Natural History, Boston. Michigan Jefferson Butler, 411 Moffat Block, Detroit. Minnesota Miss Jessie Whitman, 2356 Bayless ave., St. Paul. Missouri August Reese, 2516 North Fourteenth street, St. Louis. Nebraska Miss Joy Higgins, 544 South 30th street, Omaha. New Hampshire Mrs. F. W. Batchelder, Manchester. New Jersey Miss Julia S. Scribner, 510 E. Front street, Plainfield. New York Miss Emma H. Lockwood, 243 West Seventy-fifth street, New York City. North Carolina T. Gilbert Pearson, Greensboro. North Dakota -. . . . Miss Elizabeth L. Abbott, Grand Forks. Ohio Miss Katherine Rattermann, 510 York street, Cincinnati. Oklahoma Mrs. Adelia Holcomb, Enid. Oregon Dr. Emma J. Welty, 321 Montgomery street, Portland. Pennsylvania Mrs. Edward Robins, 114 South Twenty-first street, Philadelphia. Western Pennsylvania Miss Mary H. Gibson, Wilkinsburg. Rhode Island Mrs. Henry T. Grant, 187 Bowen street, Providence. South Carolina Hon. O. B. Martin, Columbia. Tennessee Prof. Charles A. Keffer (Pies. ), University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Texas Mr. M. B. Davis, Waco. Vermont Miss Delia I. Griffin, Museum Natural History, St. Johnsbury. Virginia Mr. E. C. Hough, Falls Church. Wisconsin Mrs. Reuben G. Thwaites, 260 Langdon street, Madison. Wyoming Mrs. Cordelia Chivington, Cheyenne. Notice to Members and Teachers sent to the office of the Association instead of to Harrisburg. If this is not done it is im- All members and contributors to the work- possible to keep the mailing list correct, ing fund of the Association are entitled to All teachers who are subscribers to Bird- receive Bird-Lore free; therefore, it is Lore, and desire to receive the extra copies unnecessary for them to subscribe for the of Educational Leaflets and the outline fig- magazine. If they prefer to pay for Bird- ures for coloring, should send their subscrip- Lore, in order that the entire amount of tions to the Association office. The offer their dues or subscriptions may be used for of extras was only made to teachers who bird protection, the extra dollar should be subscribe through the National Association. (109)