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COPIES OF BIRD -LORE WANTED.— We will give 50 cents each for the first 50 copies of Bird-Lore for February, 1905, Vol. VII, No. 1, returned to us at Harrisburg, Pa., in good condition. Mail copies flat under three cents postage. trtMlore January - February, 1906 CONTENTS GENERAL ARTICLES pace Frontispiece — Bachman's, Worm-eating, and Swainson's War bi krs . Louis Agassis Fuertes An Experience in Tree-top Photography. Illustrated Bert Francis Case . i My Chickadee Family. Illustrated Marion Bole . 6 Woodcock on Nest. Illustration by E. Van Altena . 9 The Dipper in Colorado. Illustiated Evan Levuis . 10 Meadowlark and Bartram's Sandpiper and Eggs F. M. C. . 11 The Little Green Heron. Illustrated Rett E. Olmstead . 12 The Sixth Christmas Bird Census 14 FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS The Migration of Warblers. Fourteenth Paper. Illustrated by Louis Agassiz Fuertes and Bruce Horsfall W. IV. Cooke . 26 Screech Owl. Illustrated F. M. C . 27 Bird-Lore's Advisory Council 2S NOTES FROM FIELD AND STUDY (Omitted to make space for the Christmas Census.) BOOK NEWS AND REVIEWS 30 Judd's Economic Value of Grouse and Wild Turkeys. McAtee on Hokned Larks in Their Relation to Agriculture ; Reed's Bird Guide ; The Ornithological Maga- zines; Book News. EDITORIAL 33 AUDUBON DEPARTMENT . . 24 Notice to Members; The Bradley Murder; The Mrs. Bradley Fund; Reservation News; Millinery and Aigrettes. EDUCATIONAL LEAFLET NO. 18. The Cardinai. With Colored Plate 39

      • Manuscripts intended for publication, books, etc.. for review and exchanges should be

sent to the Editor, at the Amei ican Museum of Natural History, Jjth Street and Stli Avenue, New y'ork City, N. Y. Subscribers whose subscription has expired will find a renewal blank enclosed in the present num- ber of the magazine. To those whose subscriptions expired with the December, 1905, issue and who have not notified us to discontinue their magazine, the present number is sent in the belief that the matter of renewal has been overlooked. On receipt of your renewal we will send you the Seton Bob-white picture, which should be consid- Reduced facsimile of the reproduction of ered QUe notification of the entry Ernest Thompson Seton's drawing of the Bob- of yOUT Subscription. white. Presented to every subscriber to Vol. VIII, 1906, of Bird-Lore. The original. If yOU do not Care tO renew, will printed on heavy plate paper, suitable for . ,. c framing, is nearly life-size. yOU please notify US. Entered as second-class mail matter in the Post Office at Hariisburg, la.