JFot Ceacl)er0 an& istufcente The Migration of Warblers SEVENTEENTH PAPER Compiled by Professor W. W. Cooke, Chiefly from Data in the Biological Survey With drawings by Louis Agassiz Fuertes and Bruce Horsfall LUCY'S WARBLER Western United States, breeds commonly in Arizona and rarely north to the lower Santa Clara Valley, southwestern Utah. Winters in northwestern Mexico. Its arrival in Arizona was noted at Fort Lowell, March 20, 1902; Oracle, April 1, 1899; Fo rt Mojave, March 25; Whipple Barracks, March 31, 1892, and in the Huachuca Mountains, April 8, 1902. VIRGINIA'S WARBLER Rocky Mountains of the United States, north to Colorado (common), Utah (Wasatch Mts., Salt Lake City) and Nevada (East Humboldt Mountains). Winters in Mexico. The first migrant was seen at Cooney, New Mex., April 10, 1889; Huachuca, Ariz., April 10, 1902: Beulah, Colo., May 6, 1905; Monon, Colo., May 3, 1905. OLIVE WARBLER Breeds in central Mexico and in southern Arizona. Winters in the highlands of Mexico and Guatemala. A few may winter in southern Arizona, as one was taken there February 21. The arrival of the first was noted April 6, 1902, in the Huachuca Mountains. Arizona. (134)
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