'I h<; Audubon Sou<;ti<: game protection. The bill the lines of the North Carolina Au< law. It a : for a resident and non-resident hunting license, the fe< the same being us< Lot ISIANA. — The legislature of this is now in session, and it has sideration several bills • nprove the bird and game law tera< a report of results will be made. Alabama. — A large amount of prelimi- nary work is being done in this state to prepare the way for a bird bill which will be presented to the leg a session of which will be held in a few Some of the most prominen> citizei •/• Alabama have the matter in charge and are securing the influence and sympathy of the public in a very encouraging manner. In addition, the press of the state is without exception, giv- ing the heartiest sup;. — W. D. Reservation News Another reservation bird refuge. EXECUTIVE ORDER. It is hereby ordered that Indian Key, an island in Tampa bay, Florida, containing ninety acres, and located in Sections 10 and .wnship 32 south, Range 1 '. same appears upon the oftr township on file in the General Land Office, be, and it is hereby reserved and set aside for the use of the Department o : culture, as a preserve and breeding ground for native birds. This r< to be known as Indian Key Reservation. (Signed) Theodore Roosj The White House, February 10, 1906. A New Federal Bird Law. — After the Audubon Societies had secured several bird reservations it was discovered that there was no federal law that could be invoked in case of persons hunting or egging contrary to the regulations of the Secretary of Agri- culture. The reservations being federal territory, state bird and game laws were not applicable to violations. This condition of affairs made it neces- sary to apply to Congress for relief, and a ••as introduced by Congressman Lacey d : " An act to eggs in game and bird preserves se of in the Senate < referred. 7 measure, bu 1 great moment it was ignored unti 1 director, Mr. Frank Bom up with Senator V, our se< r< ta ■ . Mi Pi ... rsoj 'ngton and enlisted the ai<? of Senator Overman, ' and your President: af < Dryden, of New 1 was favorably reported with a slight an ment, and it became a a P • dent Roosevelt at u 20 a.m. June .- • . ■■//. The law reads as io) of Representative of . America in Con; 1 ;at it shall be unlaw! trap, capture, wilful)-. or i bird of any- k< ch birds on any lands which ha. ■ as breeding grounds '■■. proclamation, oj under such rules oed from t gricuJture, "Section 2. 1 vie ating the pre guilty -. and shah conviction in any United State* cc -. : competent jurisdiction, be fined in a sum /.ceeding five hundred do ai 0) •.oned for a period no months, or shall suffer both fine and im- prisonment, in the discretion of the court: ded, That the provisions of this Act shall not apply to the Black H .ation, in South D&<- This law will be rigidly enforced fc Audubon wardens, who receive their ap- pointments from the Secretary of Agriculture but whose wages are pai-z itional Associate. Breton Is - -The early . n the two wardens guaro
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