JFor Ceac|)er0 anti |5>tu&ent0 The Migration of Warblers EIGHTEENTH PAPER Compiled by Professor W. W. Cooke, Chiefly from Data in the Biological Survey With drawings by Louis Agassiz Fuertes and Bruce Horsfall THE PARULA WARBLERS Records from the South Atlantic States doubtless relate to both the Parula {Compsothlypis americana) and the Northern Parula (C. a. usnea) ; those from the Northern States and Mississippi Valley to the Northern Parula only. SPRING MIGRATION Atlantic Coast — Southern Florida Frogmore, S.C ... Raleigh, N.C Asheville, N.C. (near) French Creek, W.Va Washington, D. C Beaver, Pa. Germantown, Pa Renovo, Pa Shelter Island, N. Y Portland, Conn. . Boston, Mass Randolph, Vt Southern New Hampshire .... Southern Maine Quebec, Can Southern New Brunswick .... Pictou, Nova Scotia North River, Prince Edward Island Mississ ipp i Va 11 ey — New Orleans and vicinity .... Helena, Ark Eubank, Ky St. Louis, Mo Waterloo, Ind Oberlin, Ohio Southern Ontario Parry Sound District, Ont. . . . Ottawa, Ont Chicago, III Grinnell, la Lanesboro, Minn No. of years' records 3 4 J 3 5 4 8 4 7 7 !3 7 x 4 i7 9 3 3 Average date of spring arrival March 5 March 23 April 8 April 15 April 22 April 25 April 30 May 1 May May May May May May May 10 May 14 May 14 Earliest date of spring arrival March 3, 1889 March 5, 1889 April x, 1889 April 9, 1893 April 19, 1893 April 19, 1891 April 24, 1899 April 22, 1886 April 27, 1897 April 23, 1891 May 2, 1886 May 1, 1896 May 2, 1886 April 30, 1902 May 6, 1900 May 10, 1905 May 9, 1905 May 23, 1891 May 30, 1890 March 5 February 22, 1 April 2 March 30, 189 April 14 April 10, 1897 May 1 April 27, 1902 May 5 May 1, 1900 May 6 May 1, 1885 May 10 May 7, 1896 May 13 May 7, 1896 May 8 May 3, 1899 Mav 8 May 4, 1890 May 9 May 6. 1890 (168)
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