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l&trtMlore November- December, 1906 CONTENTS GENERAL ARTICLES PAGE Frontispiece — Black-throated Blue and Cerulean Warblers . Louis Agassiz Fuertes . The Wry-bill Plover of New Zealand. Illustrated Edgar F. Stead . 185 Our Garden Mockingbird. Illustrated Mrs. F. W. Roe . 190 Tame Wild Geese. Illustrated . Walter K. Fisher . Italian Bird-life as it Impresses an Amfrican Today. Illustrated . Fiona's H. Herrick . 193 196 Group of Brandt's Cormorants. Illustration 202 FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS The Migration of Warblers Nineteenth and Concluding Paper. Illustrated by Louis Agassiz Fuertes and Bruce Horsfall IV. IV. Cooke . 203 Bird-Lore's Seventh Christmas Bird Census 2 °6 The Amount of Science in Oology Frank A. Frown . 206 Bird-Lore's Colored Plates 20 7 NOTES FROM FIELD AND STUDY 2o8 Bird Tragedies, Illustrated, B. S. Bowdish; Adirondack Notes, William M. Stiilman; Remarkable Flight of Red-bellied Nuthatches, William Dutcher; The Blue Jay as a Destroyer of Eggs and Young Birds. Caroline Gray Soule; A Nest Within a Human Skull, Illustrated, R. B. Macniillau; Black Terns" Near New York City, W. De W. Miller; Pine Siskins in Ohio, Josephine L. Parsons; Twkniy-i-ourth Congress of the American Ornithologists* Union. BOOK NEWS AND REVIEWS 2, 3 Oberholser's North American Eagles; Cooke's Distribution and Migration of Ducks and Geese; Hanks's Camp Kits and Camp Life ; Blatchley's 'Boulder Reveries'; The Ornithological Magazines; Massachusetts Audubon Society Calendar; Gerberding's Identification Note-book; Book News. EDITORIALS 2ID AUDUBON DEPARTMENT 21 7 EDUCATIONAL LEAFLET NO. 23. The Killdeer. With Colored Plate 22 ° ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF AUDUBON SOCIETIES 224 SUPPLEMENT.- SPECIAL LEAFLET NO. 6. Plate by Fuertes The Bartramian Sandpiper. With Colored Abbott H. Thayer »*» Manuscripts intended for publication . books, etc.. for review and exchanges should be sent to the Editor, at the American Museum of Natural Histoty yyth Street and 8th Avenue, New York Citv. N. Y Reduced facsimile of the reproduction of Horsfall'9 colored drawing of the Evening Gros- beak. Presented to every subscriber to Vol. IX, 1907, of Bird-Lore. The original, printed on heavy plate paper, suitable for framing, is life-size. Subscribers whose subscription has expired will find a renewal blank enclosed in the present num- ber of the magazine. On receipt of your renewal we will send you the life-size, colored drawing of the Evening Grosbeak, which should be considered due notification of the entry of your subscription. If you do not care to renew, will you please notify us. Members and Contributors to the National Association of Audubon Societies are notified that they are entitled to, and will receive, the magazine as members of the Association. Entered as second-class mail matter in the Post Office at Harrisburg, Pa.