244 Bird- Lore important that the causes of decrease under the control of man should cease. There are two very small colonies of Least Tern (Little Strikers), in this district, probably not over IOO pairs. The only other colonies of this species known on the Atlantic coast are two small ones in Massachusetts and one in North Carolina. There may possibly be some on the South Carolina and Georgia coasts ; the proposed exploration for new bird colonies this year will determine this fact. The Least Tern suffered more severely from milli- nery hunters than any other species of the family, and it is very doubtful CABIN ERECTED BY NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ON BRETON ISLANO RESERVATION LOUISIANA whether the small existing colonies on the Atlantic coast can be maintained. In North Carolina, the wardens are all in the employ of and are paid by the Audubon Society and are doing a splendid work (See Report of Society p. 266). In Florida, four wardens were employed under pay, and one of our mem- bers, Mr. Asa N. Pillsbury, volunteered to care for Passage Key Reserva- tion. The birds breeding on islands which were in charge of our wardens all had a successful season and made a normal increase. Disease and the elements reduced the increase somewhat, but they were not disturbed by man. Unfortunately, this cannot be said of the territory in the larger part of the Peninsula of Florida. That hunting for plumes is still going on in
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