36 Bird- Lore the stricken ones? The amount is not sig- nificant. The spirit to care for the helpless, and, above all, to recognize the fact that our warden lost his life because he was doing his part to carry out the principles of this Association, is the part you are asked to take. Mrs. Bradley, in a recent letter, writes : " I am at my mother's in Key West, as I have not been able to get home yet. I take in sewing, quilting and fancy work, and make two or three dollars a week. My children are too small to help, as one is five years old and the other two years. My brother, who is fourteen years old, helps me some." Some inquiry has been made, and it is found that the minimum sum needed to buy a very small house and lot in Key West is $1,200. The sum of $791.50 has been con- tributed, leaving a balance of over $400 still needed to reach the minimum sum. General Palmer, of Colorado, who has already con- tributed very liberally to the fund, has agreed to pay one-half of the minimum balance needed, provided the Association will collect the other half before July 1, next. It is hoped that long before that date the widow and children will be occupying a comfor- table home of their own, given to them by those who recognize the martyrdom of Guy Morrell Bradley. Subscriptions reported in October Bird-Lore .... $78 00 Additional subscriptions to Jan- uary 6, 1906 713 50 Total 791 50 Anderson, J. C. . . Anonymous Audubon Soc. D. of C E. W. W. per Mrs R. W. Smith . Baldwin, Miss H. S Ball, Mrs. Bennet Battle, Dr.K.P.,Jr Boggs, Mrs. Mary Bowman, Mrs. S. R Bridge, Mrs. L. E. Brooks, S "C. B." .... Carson, John B. . Church, Miss M. . Clapp, H Clark, Miss Emily L Clark, Miss S. E. . Comegys, Miss Craffs, Mrs. J. W . Crocker, W. Cummings, Miss E Davenport, Mrs. E.B Deane, George C. Dewey, Dr.Chas. A Dod, Miss H. M. . Donaldson, John J. Drude, Miss L. F. Eaton, A. A. . . Ells, George P. . . Emery, Miss Geor- giana Emery, Mrs. . . Evans, William B. . Family that loves Birds . . . Farwell,Mrs.J.V.,Jr. Frazier, Miss Fuertes, Louis Agassiz !>i 00 5 00 50 00 I 00 2 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 2 00 5 00 10 00 I 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 S 00 10 00 1 00 S 00 S 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 10 00 10 00 1 00 5 00 SUBSCRIBERS TO FUND Fyler, F. L Gifford, Dr. H. Greenfield, Mass., Audubon Club . . Hackley, Mrs. . . . Hack ley Upper School Hahman, Wm. Herrick, Harold Hill, Mrs. ThomasR. Hoffman, Ralph . . Howland, Miss E. . Howland, Miss I. Hoyt, Miss G. L. Hubbard, H James, The Misses . Jones, Mrs. Chas. H. Kennedy, Mrs. J. S. King, Mrs. Lehman, Chas. N. . Lehman, Dr. F. F. . Leibrick, Miss . Lemon, Mrs. M. L. Lock wood , Miss E . H . Logan, Mrs. A. S. . Lord, Mrs. . . Lovell, Mrs. Mary F. Lowry, Mrs. A. L. . MacDougall,Geo.R. McKee, Caroline A. Marmon,Mrs.D. W. Marrs, Mrs. K. . . Mentross, MissC. A. Murphy, CarolineW. N. H. Audubon Soc. Norcross.Grenville H. Palmer, Gen.Wm. J. Parker, E. L. Patten, Mrs. J. W. . Patten, Mrs. Wm. . Peabody, P. B. . . . $2 5° 10 00 5 00 1 So 5 00 2S 00 10 00 2 00 1 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 2 00 2 00 5 00 10 00 1 So 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 10 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2-5 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 10 00 3 00 1 00 25 00 25 00 100 00 10 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 Pearson, T. G. Penn. Audubon Soc Phillips, Mrs. . . Pickman, Mrs. D. L Randall, Mrs. . . Ritchie, Mrs. C. D Roberts, Miss E. C. Roberts, Mrs. F. A. Seaver, Benjamin F Shattuck, Gertrude A Shoemaker, T. H. Smedley, Edith . . Smedley, Susanna Smith, Mrs. R. W. Somers, Miss Eliz. Speer, Miss S. R. . Starr, Minna D. Surface, Mrs. H. A Sweiger, Mrs. J. L. Thayer, Ezra R. Thayer, Mrs. EzraR Thayer, John E. . Thornton, Laura M Tucker, J. R. VanHuyck, J. M. . Van Name, W. G. Wadsworth, C. S. Waterhouse, Mrs. . Wales, Edward H. Walker, Lyman J. White, Mrs. Carolin Earle Whiting, E. A. Widmann, O. . . Wink, George T. Williams, Charles Willis, Mrs. A. , Wyatt, W. S. . . Total .... .#10 00 • 5 00 1 00 • 25 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 • 5 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 • 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 5 00 • is 00 ■ So 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 • 5 00 . 10 00 1 00 . 10 00 1 00 1 00 3 00 5 00 1 00 • 5 00 ■ 5 00 2 00 'i3 5o
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