A Brief General Classification Of the Songs of Eastern North American Wood Warblers By GERALD H. THAYER, Monadnock, N. H. (Those asterisked I know from descriptions only) I. Song rambling and desultory, without fixed form : One — Yellow- breasted Chat. II. Song a comparatively short, more or less continuous strain, with definite beginning and end : Forty-four — All but the Chat. I. Full-voiced Warblers: Twenty -eight — Prothonotary, Swainson's*, Nashville, Orange- crowned* (?) , Yellow, Black -throated Blue, Yellow- rump, Black-and-Yellow, Chestnut-side, Yellow-throated, Sycamore*, Black-throated Green, Kirtland's* (?), Pine; Ovenbird, Northern Water- thrush, Louisiana Water-thrush; Kentucky, Connecticut*, Mourning; Maryland, Florida and Northern Yellow-throats; Yellow-breasted Chat; Hooded, Wilson's, Canada; American Redstart. II. Weak-voiced, or ' thin' -voiced Warblers: Twelve — Black-and- White, Bachman's*, Blue-winged (Brewster's* and Lawrence's*), Gol- den-winged*, Parula and Northern Parula, Cape May, Bay-breast, Black- poll, Blackburnian, Palm, Prairie. III. Warblers with voice between full and thin : Four — Worm -eating, Tennessee, Cerulean (much though this Warbler's singing resembles the Parula's, it is noticeably louder, sometimes at least), Yellow Palm. I. Full-voiced Warblers whose song-tones are smooth and clear: Twenty- five — Prothonotary, Swainson's*, Nashville, Orange -crowned* (?), Yellow, Yellow-rump, Black-and-Yellow, Chestnut-side, Yellow -throated, Syca- more*, Pine; Ovenbird, Northern Water-thrush; Kentucky, Connecti- cut*, Mourning; all three Yellow -throats; Chat; Hooded, Wilson's, Canada; American Redstart (in part). II. Full-voiced Warblers whose song-tones have a pronounced ' beadiness' : Three — Black-throated Blue, Black-throated Green, American Redstart (in part). III. Weak-voiced {and intermediate) Warblers whose song-tones are smooth and clear, or nearly so: Eight — Black-and -White,- Worm-eating, Cape May, Bay-breast, Black-poll, Blackburnian, Palm, Yellow Palm. IV. Weak-voiced (and intermediate) Warblers whose song-tones have a pronounced 'beadiness': Eight — Bachman's* (?), Blue- winged, Golden - winged*, Tennessee (?), Parula and Northern Parula, Cerulean, Prairie. I. Warblers with perhaps only one main song : Twenty-one — Prothono- tary (?), Swainson's* (?), Worm-eating, Bachman's* (?), Golden- winged* (?), Orange -crowned* (?), Tennessee (?), Cerulean, Black-poll, (6 4 )
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