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FIELD KEY TO COMMON BIRDS. 83 3. Under parts not white or whitish, all one color, without streaks. A. Length 8-50 inches; slate-color: cap and tail black; inhabits the lower growth ; call-note, nasal ; song highly musical and varied ; Apl. 25. to Oct Catbikd, page 173. B. Length 7-20 inches; grayish brown; conspicuously crested; a black line through the eye; tail tipped with yellow; generally seen in small flocks ; note thin and weak Cedar Waxwing, page IGl. C. Length 5-50 inclies; under parts cream-buff; a conspicuous whitish line over the eye ; upper parts I'cddish brown ; movements active ; tail carried erect ; haunts lower growth ; notes loud and striking; resident from New York city southward .... Carolina Wren, page 177. 4. Throat and upper breast black or slate-color, very different from the wliite or chestnut belly. A. Throat black. a. Belly and rump chestnut; head, wings, and tail black; length 7-30 inches; haunts orchards and shade trees; song highly musical ; May to Sept Orchard Oriole, page 132. b. Belly white; sides reddish brown; tail black and white ; length 8-35 inches ; haunts undergrowths ; call-note, chewink or towh'es ; Apl. 25 to Oct TowHEE, page 151. B. Throat slate-color. a. Back and wings slate-color; outer tail-feathers and belly white; lengtli 6-25 inches; liaunts generally on or near the ground about shrubbery ; Oct. to Apl Junco, page 145. 5. Throat streaked with black and white ; rest of under parts reddish brown ; upper parts grayish slate-color; length 10-00 inches . Eobin, page 186.