- cc. Wing-coverts not distinctly, if at all, spotted or barred with black.
Myrmeciza boucardi swainsoni, adult female and young (extralimital).
Myrmeciza boucardi panamensis, young male (p. 108).[1]
- bb. Throat gray or dusky; chest and abdomen brown or tawny.
- c. Smaller (wing 62-71, tarsus 26-31); pilemn slaty or blackish, in contrast with chestnut or chestnut-brown of back; tail brown.
- d. All the wing-coverts with a terminal spot or dot of white; under parts paler, becoming buffy on abdomen
- c. Smaller (wing 62-71, tarsus 26-31); pilemn slaty or blackish, in contrast with chestnut or chestnut-brown of back; tail brown.
Myrmeciza cassini, adult female (p. 110).
- dd. Wing-coverts uniform brown (except, sometimes, a few small dots of white near bend of wing); under parts darker, the abdomen brown. (Myrmeciza exsul.)
- e. General color of under parts much duller, the chest Vandyke brown.
- dd. Wing-coverts uniform brown (except, sometimes, a few small dots of white near bend of wing); under parts darker, the abdomen brown. (Myrmeciza exsul.)
Myrmeciza exsul exsul, adult female (p. 111).
- ee. General color of under parts much brighter, the chest bright chestnut or tawny-chestnut
Myrmeciza exsul occidentalis, adult female (p. 113).
- cc. Larger (wing 75-81, tarsus 32-35); tail blackish; pileum dark brown, like back, etc.
- d. Forehead and lores densely (normally) feathered; chin to auricular region grayish dusky; throat dull grayish, chest slaty olive; back chestnut-brown; tail blackish brown; culmen, 19.5.
- cc. Larger (wing 75-81, tarsus 32-35); tail blackish; pileum dark brown, like back, etc.
Myrmeciza immaculata, adult female (extralimital).
- dd. Forehead and lores scantily feathered; chin to auricular region dull black; lower throat, chest, and other under parts deep vandyke brown; back, etc., dark vandyke brown; tail black; culmen, 20.5-22.
Myrmeciza zeledoni, adult female (p. 114).
Adult male. — Pileum and hindneck gray or slate-gray, at least anteriorly and laterally, the gray paler on sides of occiput (supra- auricular region), the crown, occiput, and hindneck usually more or less overlaid by chestnut-brown (burnt-umber or vandyke), sometimes uniformly of this color; rest of upper parts plain bright cinnamon-rufous or chestnut-rufous, the color paler and more tawny on primaries; anterior margin of lesser wing-covert area white or pale buffy, immediately followed by more or less of black spotting; middle wing-coverts sometimes with an indistinct subterminal bar of dusky; loral, suborbital, auricular, and malar regions, chin, throat, and chest uniform black, the first mixed with gray anteriorly; lower chest and breast (except medially) and sides of upper chest plain gray (no. 6 or no. 7), passing posteriorly into tawny-buff or clay color on flanks; median portion of lower chest and breast, together with abdomen, white; under tail-coverts tawny or tawny- ochraceous; smaller under wing-coverts white or buffy white, those on carpal region with more or less distinct central or mesial marks of dusky; inner webs of remiges broadly edged with vinaceous-
cinnamon; bill black; legs and feet dull yellowish or pale yellowish
- ↑ The distinctive characters of the several forms of this species are not very evident in females and immature birds. 1 have not seen the adult female of M. b. boucardi.