Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/238

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rather broadly streaked with light yellowish buff or buff-yellow ; chin and upper throat immaculate yellowish buff or buff-yellow; rest of under parts light raw-umber brown (darker on lower throat and upper chest, passing posteriorly into a more tawny-olive hue on flanks and a more rufescent hue on under tail-coverts), narrowly streaked with pale yellowish buff, these streaks broader on chest and lower throat, sometimes obsolete on flanks and under tail-coverts; under wing- coverts and broad edgings to inner webs of remiges ochraceous-buff; bill dusky horn color, the gonys (broadly) whitish or pale yellowish horn color (in dried skins); iris brown; legs and feet horn color (in dried skins).

Young. — Upper parts essentially as in adults but color of pileum and hindneck more dusky, the latter with streaks rufescent instead of buffy yellowish; a more or less distinct narrow superciliary stripe of tawny; malar region (except anterior portion), sides of neck, chin, throat, and chest, tawny-ochraceous, tawny, or rufous-tawny (deepest on chest, paler on chin), the feathers with narrow and indistinct shaft-streaks of paler; rest of under parts similar medially in color to throat and chest but paler and duller, passing into a more olive hue on sides and flanks, the under tail-coverts more rufescent; under wing-coverts tawny or tawny-ochraceous, the inner webs of remiges broadly edged with ochraceous-buff; bill, etc., as in adults, or with mandible wholly dusky.

Adult male. — Length (skins), 178-195 (186); wing, 89-94 (91.9); tan, 78-86 (82.5); culmen, 18.5-20 (19.3); tarsus, 22-24 (22.9); middle toe, 17-19 (17.8).[1]

Adult female. — Length (skins), 172-187 (182); wing, 81.5-92 (87.2); tail, 73.5-83 (79.6); culmen, 19-21 (20); tarsus, 21.5-23.5 (22.6);

middle toe, 17-18.5 (17.6).[2]

  1. Eleven specimens.
  2. Nine specimens.
    Locality. Wing. Tall. Culmen. Tarsus. Middle
    Nine adult males from Costa Rica 91.6 83.2 19.4 22.9 17.7
    Two adult males from western Panamá (Chiriquí) 93 78.5 19.5 22.7 18.2
    Two adult males (X. s. subalaris) from northwestern Colombia 89.7 80 19.2 22 17.7
    One adult male (X. s. subalaris) from western Ecuadór 86.5 70.5 19 23.5 20
    Seven adult females from Costa Rica 86.8 78.9 20.1 22.4 17.6
    Two adult females from western Panamá (Chiriquí) 88.5 81.7 19.7 23 17.5