Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/257

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Range. — Southern Mexico to Cayenne, southeastern Brazil, Bohvia, and Ecuadór. (About twelve species.[1])


a. Pileum barred or transversely lunulated with black. (Dendrocolaptes sanctithomæ.)

b. Pileum distinctly more rufescent or tawny than color of back; back more broadly or more distinctly barred; bars on under parts broader. (Southeastern Mexico to western Panamá.)

Dendrocolaptes sancti-thomæ sancti-thomæ (p. 229).

bb. Pileum nearly (sometimes quite) concolor with back; back more narrowly or less distinctly barred; bars on under parts narrower. (Southwestern Costa Rica and adjacent part of western Panamá.)

Dendrocolaptes sancti-thomæ hesperius (p. 232).

aa. Pileum streaked with buffy or whitish.

b. Pileum blackish, with narrow (and indistinct?) buffy streaks; chest with pale buffy or whitish predominating (the mesial streaks broader). (Guatemala.)

Dendrocolaptes puncticollis (p. 232[2]).

bb. Pileum grayish brown, with broader and more distinct streaks; chest with brown predominating, the buffy mesial streaks narrower. (Dendrocolaptes validus.)
c. Chest more distinctly and regularly streaked; under parts less extensively barred. (Colombia, etc.)

Dendrocolaptes validus validus? (extralimital).[3]

cc. Chest less distinctly or more irregularly streaked (the streaks broken along edges by black dots or bars) and under parts more extensively streaked. (Costa Rica and Panamá; Nicaragua?; northwestern Colombia?).

Dendrocolaptes validus costaricensis (p. 233).



Adults (sexes alike). — Pileum and hindneck dull cinnamon-rufous or russet marked with crescentic bars or lunules of black; back, scapulars, and smaller lesser and middle) wing-coverts olive-brown (nearly raw-umber to mars brown), barred, more or less distinctly, with black; rump, upper tail-coverts, tail, and proximal secondaries deep cinnamon-rufous or chestnut (the tail usually darker, more chestnut, than other parts), the shafts of rectrices darker; primaries and distal secondaries deep cinnamon-rufous edged, more or less

broadly, with grayish brown or oUve, the inner webs of longer primaries

  1. Of these the following have been examined in this connection: D. picumnus Lichtenstein, D. validus Tschudi, D. certhia (Boddaert), D. obsoletus Ridgway, D. radiolatus Sclater and Salvin, and D. sancti-thomæ (Lafresnaye).
  2. I have not seen a specimen of this form, and, as stated on p. 233, the published descriptions do not clearly indicate the differences from D. validus.
  3. Dendrocolaptes validus Tschudi, Fauna Peruana, Aves, 1845, 242, pl. 21, fig. 2 (Peru); Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., xv, 1890, 172, part. — Dendrocolaptes multistrigatus Eyton, Jardine's Contr. Orn., 1851, 75 (locality not indicated; coll. Derby Mus.).
    I have not seen a Peruvian specimen of this species, and am therefore not at all sure that the Colombian specimens (chiefly from the Santa Marta district), with which I have compared Costa Rican examples, are subspecifically the same.