Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/97

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life); length (skins), 89-96 (90); wing, 47-54 (50.6); tail, 29-34 (31.5); culmen, 12.5-14 (13.3); tarsus, 15-16 (15.3); middle toe, 8.5-9 (8.9).[1]

Southern Honduras (Rio Segóvia), Costa Rica (Angostura; Naranjo de Cartago; Rio Reventazón; Jiménez; Pacuare; Orosí; Sipúrio; La Balsa; San José; Rio Sícsola; El Hogár; Guápiles; La Junta; Carrillo; Las Trojas; Rio Frio; La Vijágua), and Panamá (Panamá; Lion Hill; Chepo), through Colombia (Rio Truando; Turbo; Nechi, Antioquía; Bogotá) and Ecuadór (Sarayacu; Foreste del Rio Peripa; Santo Domingo) to Peru (Rio Huallaga; Lower Ucayali; Xeberos; Chyavetas; Chamicuros; Pebas; Moyabamba) and Venezuela (Maipures; Perico; Bichaco; Munduapo).

Formicivora axillaris (not Myrmothera axillaris Vieillot) Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1855, 147 (Bogotá).
Myrmotherula axillaris Carriker, Ann. Carnegie Mus., v, 1908, 8 (Rio Sícsola, Talamanca, Costa Rica; crit.).
Formicivora melæna Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1857, 130 (Bogotá, Colombia; coll. P. L. Sclater). — Lawrence, Ann. Lyc. N. Y., viii, 1863, 484 (Lion Hill, Panamá).
Myrmotherula melæna Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1858, 237 (monogr.; Bogotá); Cat. Am. B. 1862, 180 (do.). — Sclater and Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 356 (Lion Hill; crit.); 1866, 186 (Rio Ucayali, e. Peru); 1867, 750 (Rio Huallaga, e. Peru); 1873, 274 (lower Ucayali, Xeberos, Chyavetas, Chamicuros, e. Peru); 1879, 525 (Nechi, Antioquía, Colombia). — Lawrence, Ann. Lyc. N. Y., ix, 1868, 107 (Angostura and Pacuare, Costa Rica). — Frantzius, Journ. für Orn., 1869, 305 (Costa Rica). — Pelzeln, Orn. Bras., ii, Abth., 1869, 82. — Salvin, Ibis, 1874, 311 (Rio Truando, Colombia; Panamá; Costa Rica; synonymy). — Boucard, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1878, 61 (Costa Rica). — Taczanowski, Orn. du Pérou, ii, 1884, 48. — Zeledón, Anal. Mus. Nac. Costa Rica, 1887, 115 (Pacuare, Naranjo de Cartago, and Las Trojas, Costa Rica). — Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., xv, 1890, 239 (Angostura, Costa Rica; Panamá and Chepo, Isthmus Panamá; Antioquía and Bogotá, Colombia; Sarayacu, e. Ecuadór; Xeberos, Yquitos, Pebas, and Chamicuros, e. Peru). — Salvin and Godman, Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, ii, 1892, 211. — Richmond, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xvi, 1893, 501 (Rio

  1. Fifteen specimens.
    Locality. Wing. Tail. Culmen. Tarsus. Middle
    Ten adult males from Costa Rica 51.6 31.5 13.4 15.3 9
    One adult male from Panamá 52.5 31 14 15.5 8.5
    Two adult males from n. w. Colombia (Rio Truando) 53 33.5 13.5 16 9
    Two adult males from central Colombia (Bogotá) 56 36 14.2 16 9.2
    One adult male from Peru 53 33.5 14 16.5 9.5
    One adult female from southern Honduras (Rio Segovia) 49.5 32 13.3 15.3 8.5
    Ten adult females from Costa Rica 50 31 13.2 15.2 8.9
    Two adult females from Panamá 50.5 32.2 13 16 9
    Two adult females from n. w. Colombia (Turbo) 53.7 32.7 13.5 15 8.7