Carlyle, Dr., The Hill, Dumfries, N.B. (care of Williams & Norgate). Carr, Rev. Ralph, Hedgeley, Alnwick. Carre, Walter Riddell.Esq., CaversCarse (care of T. G. Stevenson). Chalmers, James, Esq., Aberdeen (care of T. G. Stevenson, 22 Frederick Street, Edinburgh). Chalmers, R., Esq. (care of Ogle & Co., Glasgow). Chamberlain, Arthur, Esq., Messrs. Smith and Chamberlain, New Bartholomew Street, Birmingham (2 copies). Chamberlain, J. H. Esq., Christchurch Buildings, Birmingham. Chamberlain, R., Esq., New Bartholomew Street, Birmingham. Chapman, Dr., 25 Somerset Street, Portland Square. Charlton, Dr. Edward (care of R. Spence Watson, Esq., Newcastle-on-Tyne). *Christ's College Library (care of Messrs. Deighton, Bell, and Co., Cambridge). Clark, E. C., Esq., 79 Trumpington Street, Cambridge (2 copies). Clark, Somers, Esq., 31, Spring Gardens, S.W. Cockayne, Rev. Oswald, 17 Montague Street, Russell Square. *Collier, Rev. C., Training College, Winchester. Compton, Rev. Lord Alwyne, Chadstone, Northamptonshire (2 copies). Constable, Archibald, Esq., 11 Thistle Street, Edinburgh. *Copenhagen Royal Library. Coward, Mr. G., Bookseller, Carlisle. Cowper, J. Meadows, Esq., Davington, Faversham. Cox, Rev. T., The Heath, Halifax. Coxhead, A. C., Esq., 47 Russell Square, w.c. Crackanthorpe, , Esq., Newbiggin Hall, Penrith. Crawhall, Joseph, Esq., Morpeth, Northumberland. Crewdson, Thomas D., 8 Cecil Street, Greenheys, Manchester. |
Cristiania, University of. Crosbie, Mr. (care of Ogles, Glasgow) Crossley, James, Esq., Booth Street, Piccadilly, Manchester. Crouch, Walter, jun., Esq., 20 Coborn Street, Bow, E. Crowther, Joseph S.,Esq., 28 Brazennose Street, Manchester. Cunningham, C. H., Esq., King's College, Strand, w.c. Dalglish, Robert, jun., Esq., 29 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow. Dalton, Rev. J. N., 6 Green Street, Cambridge. Dana, C. S., Esq., United States (care of H. T. Parker, Esq.) Darbishire, R. D., Esq., 26 George Street, Manchester. Davies, Rev. John, Walsoken Rectory, near Wisbech. Davies, Robert, Esq., The Mount, York (2 copies). Davies, W. Carey, Esq., (care of Messrs. Grindlay & Co., 55 Parliament Street, s.w.) (2 copies). Davies, William, Esq., 81 King Street, Manchester. Davis, Sir John F., Hollywood, Bristol. Dayman, Rev. John, Shelton Rectory, near Penrith, Cumberland. De La Rue, Colonel, 122 Harley Street. Dickinson, F. H., Esq., Kingweston House, Somerton, Somerset. Dixon, Mr. Thomas, Bookseller, 15 Sunderland Street, Sunderland (3 copies). Dodds, Rev. James, The Abbey, Paisley, N.B. Donaldson, Rev. John, Edinburgh (care of T. G. Stevenson). Donaldson, D., Esq. (care of Ogle & Co., Glasgow). Dorey, C. T., Esq., Italian Consulate, 31 Old Jewry. Dowden, Professor E., Trinity College, Dublin. Dowman, R., Esq., Manchester Guardian Office, Manchester. Drummond, James, Esq., Greenock. |
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