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Vigfusson, Guthbrandr, Esq., 4 Clifton Villas, Cowley Road, Oxford.

Wakefield Book Society, Wakefield, Yorkshire.

Wales, George W., Esq. (care of H. T. Parker, Esq.)

*Walmsley, G. G., Esq., 50 Lord St., Liverpool.

*Walton, Charles, Esq., Manor House, East Acton.

Want, James, Esq., Southlea, Malvern.

Ward, Henry, Esq. , British Museum, w.c.

Warwick, John, Esq., 39 Bernard St., Russell Square, w.c. (2 copies).

Watson, Robert Spence, Esq., Moss Croft, Gateshead.

Watts, Thomas, Esq., British Museum (3 copies).

Watts, Thomas, Esq., 31 Britannia Square, Worcester.

Wayte, Rev. W., Eton Cottage, Windsor.

Webster, S. M., Esq., 33 Bridge Street, Warrington.

Weymouth, R. F., Esq., Portland Villas, Plymouth.

Wheatley, H. B., Esq., 53 Berners Street, TV.

Wheeler, Prof. D. H. (care of Stevens Bros., Henrietta Street).

Whitaker, J., Esq., 10 Warwick Square, B.C. (2 copies).

White, Dr. Henry, 8 Healey Street, N.W.

White, G. H., Esq., 8 Bishopsgate Street Within, B.C. (2 copies).

White, Robert, Esq., 11 Claremont Place, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

Whitmore, J., Esq., 10 Hereford Street, Park Lane.

*Whitney, Prof. W. D., New Haven, United States.

Whytock, Alexander, Esq., 9 and 11 George Street, Edinburgh.

Williams, Sydney, Esq. (Messrs. Williams & Norgate).

Williamson, Rev. W., Fairstowe, Bath (2 copies).

Wilson, Thomas, Esq., 2 Hillary Place, Leeds.

*Wimperis, Joseph, Esq., Acre Lane, Clapham,

*Windsor Castle Royal Library.

Winterbottom, D., Esq., 35 Caledonian Road, Leeds.

Woollcombe, Rev. W. W., St. Andrew's Parsonage, Manor Street, Ardwick, Manchester.

Wren, Walter, Esq., Wiltshire House, Brixton.

Wright, Thomas, Esq., 14 Sydney St., Brompton, s.w.

Wright, W. Aldis, Esq., Trinity College, Cambridge (6 copies).

Writers to the Signet Library, Edinburgh.

Young, Alexander, Esq., 138 Hope St., Glasgow.

*Young, Robert, Esq., 24 Guildford Street, Russell Square, w.c.


Hensleigh Wedgwood, Esq., 1 Cumberland Place, N.W. £5