erly, the Protestants went, and the Papists now go. in procession with lighted candles: they also consecrate candles on this day for the service of the ensuing year. It ls the fourth of the tour cross quarter-days of the "harton
CANFARA. In old records. A trial by hot iron, formerly used in England. Whish- |]\\’.
CANON. 1. A law, rule, or ordinance in [.[‘lI9l'i'li, and of the Church in particular. An ecdmtostlciil law or statute.
-Canon law. A body of ecclesiastical iuriepi'-nl-uc-c iihicli, in countries where the ltnmnn ttvlntic uhiii h is established. is composed of inning and rules drawn from patrislic sources, utfiiiances and decrees of general councils, and H1‘ dun-retals and hulls of the popes. In Euglltatl, according to Blackstone, there is a kind -I mfmiial canon law, composed of legatiue nnd lflvnucial constitutions enacted in Eugiand prior to the reformation, and adapted to the vi mt-ies of the English church and kingdom. l 1. (‘--mm. 82. The canon law consists part- li rl certain rules taken out of the Scripture, Hilly of the writings of the ancient fathers of use church. partly of the ordinances of general $4 nroi-incial councils, and part]; of the dc- -Jnc of the popes in former ages: and it is -‘-vtuim-d in two principal parts.—the decrees it-A "P slecrvtals. The decrees are ecclesiastical fi{‘(1lll|.lUl.\§ made by I.he popes and cardinals. I WC!-zltlls are canonical epistles written by III pope, or by the pope and cardinals, at the suit of one or more persons, for the ordering id determining of some matter of controversy. and have the authority of a law. As the decrees T out the origin of the canon law, and the . rligaltics, and decrees of ecclesiastical phi-as, with their manner of election. ordina- iian etc. so the dccretais contain the law to lo llSI"d in the ecclesiasticai courts. Jacob.- Ccinon religiosnx-um. In ecclesiastical rec- njlt. A book iiherein the religions of every ‘RILEY convent had a fair transcript of the Hit of their order. freqnenlly read among
- 1 as their local statutes. Kennelt. Gloss.:
2. A system or aggregation of correlated rules, whether of statutory origin or other- vfle. relating to and governing a particular i¢rtxneut of legal science or a particular bi inch or the substantive law.
—Canons of construction. The system of l idlbntal rules and maxinis which are rec- &lu~l as orerning the construction or inter- llillhnn 0 written instrumcnts.—Ca.nons of descent. The legal mics by which inheritan- I8 ore regiilated, and according to which es- ow are transmitted by descent from the EDP "Sir hi the heir—Ga.nons of inheritance. !'::':l rulrt by which inheiitances are regu- aui’, according to which estates are tr.ins- by crvci-iit irom the ancestor to the heir. . Cumin. 2
3. A dlgaltary of the English church. befig 1 preheiidai-y or member of a cathedral
4. In the civil. Spanish, and Mexican law. II annual charge or rent: an emphyteutie Gt.
5. In old English records, a prestation, pension, or customary payment.
CANONIGAL. Pertaining to, or in con- formity to, the canons of the church. —Cn.nonica.l obedience. Th-it duty which a ciergymun owes to the itisllfll‘ iiho ordained him, to the bishop in whose dim -'c be is beueficed, and also to the metropolitan of such hishop. "linrtun.
CANONICUS. In Did English law. A canon. Fleta, lib. 2, c. 69. § 2.
CANONIST. One versed and skilled in the canon lavi; a professor of ecclesiastical law.
CANONRY. In English ecciesiastical IEIW. An etciesiastical bencflce, attaching to the office of canon. Hoithouse.
CANT. In the civil law. A method of dividing property heid in common by two or more joint owners. See Hayes v. Cuny. 9 Mart. 0. S. (La.) 87.
CANTEL, or CANTLE. A lump, or that which is added above measurc- also a piece of anything, as "cautel of bread." or the like. Blount.
CANTERBURY, ARCKBISHOP OF. In English ecclesiastical law. 'l‘hc primate of all England: the chief ecclesiasticai dignitary in the church. His customary piivilege is to croiin the kings and queens of England: while the Archbishop of York has the privi- lege to crown the queen consort, and be her perpetual chaplain. The Archbishop of Canterbury has also, by 25 Hen. VIII. c. 21, the power of granting dispeiisatious in any case not couirary to the holy scriptures and the law of God, where the pope used formerly to grant them, which is the foundation of his granting special licenses to marrr at any place or time; to hold two liviugs. (which must be confirmed under the great seal.) and the like; and on this also is founded the right he exercises of conferring degrees in prejudice of the two universities. Wharton.
CANTRED. A district comprising a hundred vlll-iges: :1 hundred. A term used in Wales in the some sense as "hundi-ed‘ is in England Cowell; Ternies de la Ley
CANUM. Ln feudal law. A species of duty or tribute payable from tenant to lord. usually consisting of produce of the land.
CANVASS. The act of examining and counting the returns of votes cast at a pub- lic election. Bowler v. Bisenhood, l S. Dak 577, 48 N. W. 136. 12 L. R. A. 705; Clark v. Tracy, 95 Iowa, 410, 64 N. W. fl: Hudson v. Solomon, 19 Kan. 180; People v. Siusn» lito, 106 Cal. 500. 39 Pac. 937; in re Stew- art, 24 App. Div. 201, 48 N. Y. Supp. 957.
regaiiii or ornaments of state belonging to M