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ments commission in order to consolidate the oihces of the masters and associates of the Common-linv divisions, the crown office of the king's bench division, the record and writ cierk‘s report, and enrollment othces of the chancery division, and a few others. 'i‘he central office is divided into the following dep.irtments, and the business and stat! of the office are distributed accoulingiy: (1) Writ, appearance, and judgment; (2) sum- mons and order, for the common- ow divisions only; (3) filing and record, including the old Chancery report oiiice; (-1) taxing, for the common-law diiisions only; (5) enroll- ment; (5) judgments, for the registry of judgments, executions, etc.; (7) bills of sale: (8) married women's acknowledgments; (9) Ling's retnembrancer: (10) crown office; and i_11) associates. Sweet. ,

CENTRALIZATION. '.i‘his word is used to express the system of government prevailing in a country where the management of local matters is in the hands of function- urics appointed by the ministcis of state, p-.iid by the state, and in constant communication and under the constant control and ins1nration of the ministers of state, and Where the funds of the state are largely applied to local purposes. Wharton.

CENTUMVIRI. In Roman law. The name of an important court consisting of a body of one hundred and live judges. it wns made up by choosing three representatives from each of the thirty-five Itoman tribes. 'i‘he judges sat as one body for the trial of Lertam important or didicult questions, (call- ed, "causw ccnlmiivii'al1:s,") but ordinarily they were separated into four distinct tri- bunals.

CENTURY. One hundred. A body of one hundred men. The Romans were divided lilo centuries, as the English were divided into hundreds.

Also a cycle of one hundred years.

Cl-ZORL. In Anglo Saxon law. The freemen were divided into two ciasses,—thanes and ceoils. The thanes were the proprietors of the soil, which was entirely at their disposal. The ceorls were men personally free, but possessing no landed property. Guizot. Rep. Govt.

A tenant at will of free condition, "he held land of the thane on condition of paying rent or services. Coivcii.

A freeman of inferior rank occupied in liusiinndry. Spelman.

CEPI. Lot. I have taken. This word was of frequent use in the returns of sheriffs when they were made in Latin, and particu- iarly in the return to a writ of capius.

The full return (in Latin) to a writ of canine was commonly made in one of the following



forms: Crpi corpus, I have taken the body, i. e., arrested the body of the defendant: Lrpi corpus 9! ball, 1 hm/e taken the body and re- leascd the defendant on a bail-bond; Cepl curpus et commitmur, I have taken the body and he has been committed (to prison); Cepi corpus at est in cuatatlia, I have taken the defendant and he is in custody; Cepi carpua et est tan» y-Indus, I have taken the defendant and he In sick, i. e.. so sick that he cannot safely be removed from the place where the arrest was made; Uepi corpus ct parutmn hubco, I have taken the body and have it (him) ready, i. e. in custody and ready to be produced when ordered.

Cl-T-PIT. In civil practice. He took This was the characteristic word employed in (Latin) writs of trespass for goods taken, and in declarations in trespass and replevin.

Repievin in the ccpit is a form of replevin which is brought for carrying away goods merely. Wells, Repi. § 53.

In criminal practice. This was a tech- nical word necessary in an indictment for larceny. The chzuge must be that the defendant took the thing stolen with a feltr nious design. linc. Abr. "Indictmcnt," G, 1. —Cepit ct abduxit. He took and led away. The emphatic words in writs in trespass or indictments for lalrccuy, where the thing taken n as a li\ ing clmttol. i. c., an animal.-—Cepit at aspox-tavit. He took and carried away. Applicable in a declaration in trespass or on indictment for larceny where the defendant has carried away goods without right. 4 Bl._ Comm.

!.‘i1.—Cepil: in alio loco. In pleading. A

plea in replerin, by which the deft-ndnnt alleglliat he took the thing replevied in another pllltfl than that mentioned in the deCll1l'B|il’llJ. 1 Chit


CEPPAGIUM. In old English law. The stumps or roots of trees which remnin in the ground after the trees are felled. Fletii, lib. 2, c. 41, 5 24.

Cl-IRA, or Cl-IRE. Wax; a seal.

In old Engish law

CERA IMPRESSA Lat. An impressed seal. It does not necessarily refer to an impression on wax, but may include an impression made on wnfeis or other adhesive substances cnpnbie of recehlug an impression, or even paper. Pierce v. Indseth, 108 U. S. 51-6, 1 Sup. Ct. 418, 27 L. Ed. 254

GERAGEUM. In old English law A payment to pro\lde candles in the church. Blount.

CEREVISIA. or beer.

In old English law. Ale

CERT MONEY. In old English law Head money or cotumon fine. Money paid yearly by the residents of several manors to the lords thereof, for the certain keeping of the leet, (pra csrto lCllE,‘) and sometimes to the hundred. Blount: 6 Coke. 78.

(lerta deliet esse intentio, ct narratio, et certum fundnmentum, at certs rel