CESSION OF GOODS. The surrender of property-, the relinquishment that a debtor makes of all his property to his creditors, when he finds himself unable to pay his debts. Civil Code Ba. art. 2170.
CESSIONARY. In Scotch law. An assiguee. Bell. CESSIONARY BANKRUPT. One who
gives up his estate to be divided among his creditors.
CESSMENT. An assessment, or tax.
G]-ISSOR. One who ceases or neglects so long to perform a duty that he thereby icnurs the danger of the law. 0. N. B. 136.
C]-JSSURE. Kelham.
L. Fr. A receiver; a hailitt.
(VEST ASCAVOIR. L. F1‘. That is to say, or to-wit. Generally written as one word, cestascavoir, ceslascu-raire.
(‘Vest le crime qui fall; 13. hunts, et non pas l’eclhai’nud. Fr. It is the ottense which causes the shame, and not i.he scattoid.
CESTUI, CESTUY. He. Used frequent- ly in composition in law French phrases.
—Cestui que trust. He who has a right to n beneficial interest in and out of an estate lhe legal title to which is vested in another. 2 \\-'ashb. Real Prop. 163. The person who posst-s s the equitable right to property and re- r-r ves the rents, lssnes, and profits thereof, the legal estate of which is vested in a trustee. it has been proposed to substitute for this acnouth term the English word "beneficiar_v," and lhe latter, though still far from universally idupiell, has come to be quite frequently used. it is equal in precision to the antiquated and unwieldy Norman phrase, and far better adapted to the gcnius of our langu.-ige.—Gestni qua use. He for whose use and benefit lands or tenements are held by another. The ocstui que use has the right to receive the profits and bcne- lits of the estate, but the legal title and possession (as well as the duty of defending the same) reside in the other.—Cestni que vie. He whose life is the measure of the duration of an rstate. 1 Washb. Real Prop. 88. The person for whose life any lands. tenements, or heredit- aments are held.
Cestuy que doll; inheritar :11 pin: dnit
inheriter a.l fils. He who would have been
heir to the father of the deceased shall also
he heir of the son. Fitzh. Abr. "I)escent," 2;
2 Bl. Comm. 239, 230.
0!‘. An ahhreviated form of the Latin uord confer, meaning "compare." Directs the reader's attention to another part of the work, to another volume, case, etc., Where contrasted, analogous, or explanatory views or statements may be found.
011. This abhreviation most commonly stands for "chapter." or "chancellor." but it may also mean "chancery," or "chief."
186 CHALDRON GRACE. L. Fr. A chose or hunting ground. CHACEA. In old English law. A stu-
tion of game. more extended than a park, and less than a forest: also the liberty of chasing or hunting vlithin a certain district: also the way through which cattle are driv« en to pasture, otherwise called a "drove- way-" Blount.
Ghacea est ad nommunem legem. A chase is by common law. Reg. Brev. 806
CHACEABLE. chased or hunted.
L. Fr. ’.l.‘hat may he
CHACI-IR. L. Fr. To drive, compel, or oblige; also to chase or hunt.
CHACURUS. L. Lat A horse for the chase, or a hound, dog, or coarser.
CHAFEWAX. An officer in the English Chancery Whose duty Was to fit the wax to seal the writs. commissions, and other instruments thence issuing. The oihce was abolished by St. 15 a 10 Vict. c. 87, § 23.
CHAFFI-IRS. An ancient term for goods. wares, and merchandise.
CI-IAFFERY. Traffic; buying and selling.
the practice at
CHAIN. A measure used by engineers and surveyors, bemg twenty-two yards in length.
CHAIN OF TITLE. A term applied metaphorically to the series of conveyances, or other forms of alienation, attecting a particular parcel of land, arranged consecutive- ly, from the government or original source of title down to the present holder, each of the instruments included being called I! "link." Payne v. Markle, 89 lil. (i).
CHAIRMAN. A name given to the presiding officer of an assemhl), public meeting, convention. deliberative or legislative body. board of directors, committee, ctc.
CHAIRMAN 0!‘ COMMITTEES 0!‘ THE WHOLE HOUSE. In English parlia- menhiry practice. In the commons. this officer, always a member, is elected by the house on the aselnhling of every new par- liament. When the house is in committee on bills introduced by the government or in committee of Ways and means, or supply, or in committee to consider preliminary resolutious, it is his duty to preside.
CHALDRON, CHALDERN, or CHAL- DER. Twelve sacks of coals, each holding three bushels, Weighing about a ton and I half. In Wales they reckon 12 barrels or