CHAMBER SURVEYS. At an early day in Pennsylvania, surveyors often made drafts on paper of pretended surveys of pub- lic lands, and returned them to the land office as duly surveyed. instead of going on the ground and estalilishing iines and marking corners; and these faise and fraudulent pretenses of surveys never actually made were called "chamber surveys." Schraeder Min. & Mfg. Co. v. Packer, 129 U. S. 688, 9 Sup. St. 385. 32 L. Ed. 760.
CHAMBERDEKINS, or CIIAIIBER DEACONS. In old English law. Certain poor Irish scholars, clothed in mean habit, and living under no rule; also hoggars han- islied from mlgland. (1 Hen. V. cc. 7, 8.) Wharton.
CHAMBERLAIN. Keeper of the chamber. Originally the chamlierlain was the keeper of the treasure chani'her (camera) of the prince or state; otherwise called "treas- urer." Cowell.
The name of several high officers of state in England, as the lord great chamberlaiii of England, lord cliamberlain of the household. chamberiain of the exchequer. Cowell; Blount.
The word is also used in some American cities as the title of an officer corresponding to "treasurer."
CB'.A.MBEB.I.A.RI.A. Chaniherlalnship; the office of a chamherlalu. Cowell.
CHAMBERS. In practice. The [:11- vote room or office of a judge; any place In which a judge hears motions, signs papers, or does other business pertaining to his offlce, when he is not holding a session of court. Business so transacted is said to be done "ln chambers." In re Neagle (G. C.) 39 Fed. 855, 5 L. R. A. 78: Von Schmidt V. Widber, 99 Cal. 511, 34 Pac. 109; Hoskins V. Baxter, 64 Minn. 226. 66 N. W. 969. The term is also applied. in England, to the pri- vate office of a barrister.
In international law. Portions of the sea cut ott by iines drawn from one promontory to another, or included wlthiii luies extending from the point of one cape to the next. situate on the sea-coast of the same nation, and which are claimed by that nation as asylums for merchant vessels, and exempt from the operations of belligerents.
C H A M B I U M. Change, or exchange.
In old English law. Bract. fols. 117. 118.
CHAMBRE DEPEINTE. A name acnlently given to St. Edward's chamher, cali- ed the "Painted Chamber." destroyed by fire with the houses of parliament.
CHAMP DE MAI. (Lat. Commie Matt.) The field or assembly of May. The national
sssemhly of the Franks, held in the month of May.
CHAMP DE: MARS. (Lat. Campus Murtii.) The field or assembly at March. The national iissemhly of the Franks, held in the month of March, in the open air.
CHAMPART. In French law. The grant of a piece of land by the owner to an- other, on condition that the latter would do iiier to him a portion of the crops. 18 Toullier. n. 182
CHAMPEET. In old English law. A share or division of land; champerty.
In old Scotch law. A gift or bribe. taken by any great man or judge from any person, for delay of just actions, or furthering of wrnngnus actions, whether it he lands or any goods movabie Skene.
CHAMPERTOR. In criminal law. One who makes pleas or suits, or causes them to he moved, either directly or indirectly, and sizes them at his proper costs, upon condition oi’ having a part of the gain. Oue guilty of champerty. St. 33 Edw. I. c. 2.
CHAMPERTOUS. Of the nature of champerty: aifectoil with cliamperty.
CHAMPERTY. A bargain made by A stranger with one of the parties to a suit, liy which such third person undertakes to carry on the iitigation at his own cost and risk, in consideration of receiving, it he wins the suit, a part of the land or other subject sought to be recovered by the action. Small v. Mott, 22 Wend. (N. Y.) 405; Jewel v. Neidy, 61 Iowa, 29!). 16 N. W. 141; Weakly V. Hall. 13 Ohio, 175, 42 Am. Dec. 194'. Poe v. Davis, 29 Ala 683; Gilnian v. Jones. 87 Ala. 601. 5 South. 785, 7 South. 48, 4 L. R. A. 113; Torrance v. Shedd, 112 [IL 466; Casserleigh v. Wood, 119 Fed. 308, 56 G. 0. A. 212.
The purchase of an interest in a thing in dispute, with the object of maintaining and taking part in the iitlgation. 7 Bing. 378.
The act of assisting the plsintitt or defendant in a legal proceeding in, which the person giving the assistance has no valuable interest. on an agreement that, if the proceeding is sucz-(s_sfui. the proceeds shall be divided between the plaintiii or defendant, as the case may be, and the assisting person. Sweet.
hamperty is the carrying on a suit in the name of another, but at one's own expense, with the view of receiving as compensation a certain share of the avails of the suit. Ogden v. De: Arts, 4 Duer (N. Y.) 275.
The distinction between chnmprrtu and maintenance lies in the interest which the Interfering party is to have in the issue of the suit. In the former case, he is to receive a share or portion of what may he recovered; in the latter case he is in no way benefited by the success of the party aided, but simply