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Y. Supp. 395; Kentucky Female Orphan School E lioiiisvilllg. 100 Ky. 470. 36 S. W. 921. 40

CHARRE OF LEAD. A quantity consisting of 3!) pigs of lead. each pig weighing Ibout 70 pounds.

CHART. The word "chart." us used in the copyright law, does not include sheets of paper exhibiting tabulated or methodically arranged Information. Taylor v. Gllman (C. C.) E Fed. 632.

CIIARTA. En old English law. A charter or deed; an instrument written and sealed; the formal evidence of conveyances and contracts. Also any signal or token by which an estate was held. The term came to be applied, by \\ .1y of eminence, to such documents as proceeded from the sovereign. grunting liberties or privileges, and either where the recipient of the grant was the whole nation, as in the case of Manna Charis, or a public body, or private individual, in which case it corresponded to the modern word "charter."

In the civil law. Paper, suitable for the inscription of documents or hooks: hence, my instrument or writing. see Dig. 32, 52, 9: Nov. 44, 2.

—Chm-ta eommnnin. In old English law. A cannon or mutual charter or deed; one cosuunng mutual covenants, or involving mu- lnllzy of obligation; one to which both parnight hove occasion to refer. to establish gr respective rights. Bract. fols. 3317, 34.- Irta eyrographata. In old English law. A rhirographcd charter; a charter executed in no parts, and cut l'h1-nngh the middle. (windi- hsr per medium.) where the word "cyrographr am." or "nhs'ragrizphu.m." was wri en in large letters. Bract. fol. 34: Fleta. ilb. 3. (L 14. I3.—Chax-tn do fox-esta. A collection of the W of the forest, made in the 9th Hen. III. an said to have been originally a part of JIIAQ-M L'ILarm.—Clu1rta do nnn parte. A k-poll.—Ghm-ta. partita. (Literuiiy, a deed Ihvllcd.) .-1 charter-party. 3 Kent. Comm. 201.

Char-ta non est nisi vestimentlun do- utinniu. A deed is nothing else than the vesumaut of a gift. Co. Lltt. 36.

CHAETIE IJBERTATUM. The chariers (grants) of ilhert-ies. These are Manna Charts and Uha/rm do Forestu.

Chartarurn super fidem, max-tuis testlhnl, ad patriam do znecessitudine rc- unrrandum est. C0. Lift. 36. The wit- ju Icing dead, the truth of charters must of low-‘slty be referred to the country. 4. (5., III!!-

CEAETE. Fr. A chart, or plan, which fitter! use at sea.

CHART]-'1-PARTIE. Fr. In French marine law. A charter-party.

CHARTEL. A challenge to a single combat: also an instrument or writing between

Bl.Law Dict.(2d Ed.)—13



two states for settling the exchange of pris- oners of war.

CHARTER, o. In mercantile law. To hire or lease a vessel for a voyage. A "chartered" is distinguished from a. "seeking" ship. 7 East, 24.

CHARTER, n. An instrument emunnfihg from the sovereign power, in the nature of a grant, either to the whole nation, or to a class or portion of the people, or to a colony or dependency, and assuring to them certain rights. liberties, or powers. Such was the "Great Charter" or "Mamba Gi'mrta," and such also were the charters granted to certain of the English colonies in America. See D Story. Const. § 101.

An act of the legislative department of government, creating a corporation, is called the "charter" of the corporation. Merrick v. Van Snntvoord. 34 N. Y. 214; Bout v. Underdown, 156 Ind. 516, 60 N. E. 307; Morris 5. E E. R Co. v. Com'rs. 37 N. J. Law, 237.

In old English law. The term denoted a deed or other written instrument under seal; a conveyance, covenant, or contract.

In old Scotch law. A disposition made F by a superior to his xassal, for something to be performed or paid by him. ] Forb. Inst. pt. 2, b. 2, c. 1, tit. 1. A writing which contains the grant or transmission of the feudal right to the vassnl. Ersk. Inst. 2, 3. 19. G —Charter of pardon. In Flnziish law. An instrument under the great seal, by which a pardon is granted to a mun for a felony or other oiTense.—Chax-tar of the forest. Sce CHABTA nn I<‘oans'rA.—Chnr1:cr rolls. Acnient English records of royal chartcis. granted between the years 1199 and 1516. H

GHARTEBA-‘IOUSE. Formerly a con- vent of Carthusian monks in London; now a college founded and endowed by Thomas Sutton. The governors of the charter-house nre a corporation aggreguts without a head, president, or superior, all the members heing at equal authority. 3 Steph. Comm. (7th no.) 14, 97.

CHARTER-LAND. Otherwise called J "book-l:1nd," is property held by deed under certain rents and free services. It, in elffect. differs nothing from the free socage lands, and hence have arisen most of the treeliold tenants, who hold of particular manors. and K owe suit and service to the same. 2 B1. Comm. 90.

CHARTER-PARTY. A contract by which an entire ship, or some principal part thereof. is let to a merchant ror tho convey- 211106‘ of goods on a determined voyage to one or more places. The Harvey and Henry. 86 Fed. 656, 30 C. C. A. 330: The New York (D.

C.) 93 Fed. 497 : Vandewater v. The Yankee Blade, 28 Fed. Cas. 980: Spring v. Gray. 6 M Pet. 151, 8 L. Ed. 352; Fish v. Sullivan. 40