much money in the hands of the hnnkcis to the holder of the check, to remain there until called for, and cannot after notice he Wl(ll(ll'(lWlJ by the drawer. Merchants’ i\'nt. Bank v. State Nut. Bank. 10 Vvali. G ' 19 L. Ed 1008; In re Brown, 4 Fcrl Gas. ' People v. Oompton. 123 Cal. 403, 56 Pac. 44.
—-Check-bunk. A book containing blank checks on :1 part-icular bank or hzinker, with an inner margin, called :1 "stuh," on which to note the numlier of each check, its amount and date, and the payee's name, and H. memorandum of the balance in hank.-0:-ossed check. A check crossed with two lines. between which are either the a line of a hank or the words "and company." in full or abbreviated. In the former case, the banker on whom it is drawn must not pay the money for the check to any other than the bank- er named; in the latter case. he must not pay it to any other than a banker. 2 Steph. Comm. 118, note c.—MemorandI1m check. A check givin by a borrower to a lender, for the amount of II short iosn, with the understanding that it is not to be presented at the bank, but will be redeemed by the maker himself when the loan foils due. This understanding is evidenced by writing the word "ll[c1n.." on the check. This in not unusual among merchants. See U. S. v. Is- hnin, 17 Wall. 502, 21 L 728; Tumbuli V. Osborne, 12 Ahb. Prue. (N. S.) (N. 202' Frankiin Bank v. Freeman. 16 Pick. Mass.‘
CHECKER. The old Scotch form or ex-
GEEPE. In Anglo-Norman law. Were or weregild: the price of the head or person, (capitis pretiuni.)
GEEMERAGE. In old French law. The privilege or preroizative of the eldest. A pro- vincial term derived from ohemxier, (q. 9.) Guyot, Inst.
GHEMIER. In old French law. The eldest born. A term used in Poitou and other places. Guyot, Inst.
GI-IZEMIN. Fr. The road wherein every man goes; the klng’s highway.
GHEMIS. In old Scotch law. A chier
dwelling or mansion house.
GHEVAGE. A sum of money paid by villeins to their lords in acknowledgment of their bondage.
Chevage seems also to have been used for ii sum of money yearly given to a man of power for his countenance and protection ns ii chief or leader. Termes de la Ley; Cowell.
GHEVANTIA. In old records. A loan or advance of money upon credit. Cowell.
GI-IEVISANGE. An agreement or composition: an end or order set down between ii creditor or debtor; an indirect gain in point of usury, etc.; ulso an unlawful hargain or contract. Wharton.
GEEVITUE. In old records. Pieces of ground, or head; nt the end of nlowed lands. Cowell.
GBEZE. A homestead or homesfnll which is accessory to Ii house
GI-IIOANE. Swlndling; shrewd cunning. The use of tricks and artifice.
GI-IIEI‘. Principal; leading; head: emi- nent in power or importance; the most important or valuable of several.
Declaration in chief is a declaration for the principal cause of action. 1 Tldd, Pr. 419.
Eravtiiination in chief is the first examination of a witness by the party who pro- duces him. 1 Grcenl Ev. 5 445.
—Clrlef baron. The presiding judge of the English court of exchcquer; ansvwerl H: to the chief justice of other courts. 3 Bl. Lunim.-1-l‘,
Staph. Comm. -101.-—Chief Clerk. The wicnipal clerical (iflker of a bureau or depnrtrnvnt, who is geuei-slly charged, subject to thc dii--v~ tion of his superior officer, with the supei-int euce of the administration of the husin... ni I oiiire.—Ch.iof judge. ‘Die judge of the Lnrda bankruptcy court is so cnllcd. in general. IM term is equivalent to "presiding justice" or E iding magistrate." Bean v. Loryea. I51. 22 Pac. 5]3.—-Chief justice. The prolb mg, eldest, or principal judge of a court of j’ tici_e.—CIiie£ justice oi! England. The presiding judge in the king’: -bench division of tin high court of justice, and. in the absence of the lord chancellor, president of the high court, and also an in otfw-in judge of the court of appci The full title is "Lord Chief Justice of England. —chief justice of the common plans. in England. The presiding judge in the court of common pleas, and afterwards in the common pleas division of the high court of justice, and one of the em officio judges of the high court of appeal.—Ch.ief justiclar. In old English law. A high judicial officer and special magistrate, who presided over the aula. 794178 of the Nonnnn kings, and who was nlso the rinclpal min of state, the second man in t a kingdom, and, by virtue of his oilice. guardian of the realm in the king's absence. 3 Bl. Comm. .3S.—Chie! lord. The immediate lord of the fee. to whom the tenants were directly and personally ri-spam siblc.—Chief magistrate. The head of tin executive department of government of a nation, stnte, or municipal corpor.-ifion. ‘Aiclntire v. Ward. 3 Yeates (Pa? 4'2-1.—Chief pledge. Thu hnrshnlder, or chic of the hnrough. Spclmiin. —-Chief rents. In English law. Were the annual paymr-nts of flF(’l]0ldt!lS of minors: and were also called "" because by pr,-ring thcm the tenant was freed from all other will! or services. 2 . Oomm. 42.—Cliief. tenant in. In English feudal law. All the lnnxl in the kingdom was supposed to be hnlden mcdunr iy or immediately of the king, who was so the "Lord Paramount," or "Lord Above Ail; and those that held immediately under him, 2 right of his crown and dignity, were culled I tenants "i"n. caqiz'te" or "in chief." which was :1: most honorable specins of tenure. lint at man same time subjected the tenant to greater and more burdensome services than inferior tenuru did. Brown.
GI-IIIEFRIE. In feudal law. A aumiii-ed paid to the lord paramount.
CHILD. This word has two meanings in law: (1) In the law of the domestic rib tions, and us to descent and distribution, It is used strictly as the correlative of "purei I.’ and means a son or daughter considered is in reiation with the father or mother. (I In the law of negligence, and in laws for the nrotection of children, ctc.. it is used as the