Page:Black-ey'd Susan's garland (1).pdf/3

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Believe not what the landmen say
with doubts they'll fill your constant mind,
They’ll tell that sailors when gone away,
in every port a mistress find.
Believe them not whene’er they tell you so,
for thou art present, for thou art present, where
foe’er I go.

If to fair India’s coast we sail,
thy eyes are seen in diamonds bright,
Thy breasts are like Africa’s spices small,
thy skin as any ivory white.
Thus every beauteous object that I view,
wakes in my soul, wakes in my soul (illegible text)
charms of lovely Sue.

Though battles call me from thy arms.
William shall to his dear return,
Though cannons roar, yet safe from harm,
my pretty Susan do not mourn ;
Love turns aside the balls that round me fly,
lest precious tears, lest precious tears should drop
from Susan's eye.

The boatswain gave the dreadful word,
the sail's their swelling bosoms spread,
No longer must she stay on board.
they kiss’d ; she sigh’d, and hung her head.
The (illegible text) boat, unwilling (illegible text) to land
adieu, she cried, adieu she cried, and wav’d her
lilly hand.

part 2,

(illegible text) through a grove I took my way.

Sweet recreation for to take,