Page:Black-ey'd Susan's garland (1).pdf/5

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And if he be the same I’ll tell you plain,
that all your sighs, that all your sighs,
are truly spent in vain.

That is the man who is my dear,
pretty sweet Susan did reply,
You make me tremble for to hear
of my dear love’s inconstancy;
But such a thing can surely never be,
for he admires, for he admires no other maid
but me.

That’s your mistake, sweet charming fair,
for I will let you understand,
William is marred I do declare,
to a young maid in New England,
And rais’d to be a man of high degree;
therefore forget him, therefore forget him, since
he is false to thee.

If this be true that you have said,
then all my joys are laid aside,
I am a poor distressed maid,
none other shall make me a bride,
Since he is false a maid I’ll live and die.
but still my heart, but still my heart,
to the sweet William’s nigh.

If I could but my William view,
who is across the watery main,
Then I my mind would soon impart,
to him mho breaks my heart in twain,
And she who is bride I’d love her too.
though he is false, though he is false, my love
to him is true.