Page:Black-ey'd Susan's garland (1).pdf/7

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William is on the ocean wide,
not by his Susan to be sern;
O Neptune, pray be kind unto my dear,
and quick convey him, and quic convey him
here my soul to cheer.

Boreas, instead of blustr’ing winds,
breathe out a sweet and pleasant gale,
That softly o’er the purling streams
my dearest love may safely sail;
You mermaids, with your harmony so sweet,
charm my sweet William, charm my sweet William
to his silent sleep.

And when they to the harbour come,
wind gently whisper in my ear,
Like unto light’ning I will fly,
William, thy (illegible text) heart to cheer ;
The boat, so willing, rows to the ship’s side,
calling sweet William, calling sweet William,
to receive his bride.

Into my arms he straight will fly,
saying, my dear do not complain;
Though I have been absent many day,
yet I am returned to my love again;
I am thy William join’d to thee by oath,
but death, nothing but death
shall ever part us both.

part 4.

SEEING sweet Susan’s loyalty,
tears down his cheeks did drop (illegible text),
My dear, behold on my right breast

you know there grows a certain mole,