Page:Black book of conscience, or, God's great and high court of justice in the soul (1).pdf/11

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of Conscience.

Nathan, in 2 Samuel xii. 13. had by the parable of the ewe-lamb; shewed David the evil of his sins, presently David was convinced in his consciences of the horridness of his sins. And David said unto Nathan, I have sinned against the Lord: have mercy upon me. Psalm li. (the psalm of his repentance) According to thy loving kindness, according unto the multitude of thy tendor mercies, blot out my transgressions; wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin: For I acknowledge my transgressions, and my sin is over before me. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight. David had a very tender conscience, for when he cut off Saul’s skirt, his heart smote him, his conscience accused him, as you may see 1 Sam. xxi. 5. O but now many wicked men are there now, whose consciences tell them over and over, again and again of their sins, and yet for all that they stop their ears against conscience? how many times doth the beastly drunkard’s conscience, the profane swearer’s, the Sabbath-breaker’s conscience, tell them of their sins; yet notwithstanding for all the checks of conscience, they will go on in their sins, and fill up the measures of their iniquities, and so make conscience, to fill up the black scroll of indictments against them, whereby they are all