Page:Black book of conscience, or, God's great and high court of justice in the soul (1).pdf/7

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of Conscience

of conscience, in which is exactly written all our actions, thoughts, words, and deeds; and according to this book of conscience, and what is there written, will the Lord proceed in judgement, and every man’s conscience shall be his own judge. Saith God, What hast thou done? How hast thou lived in the world? Why thus and thus have I lived, saith conscience. Conscience will then speak the truth, and nothing but the truth, O Lord, saith the wicked man’s conscience, I have dishonoured thy name, I have abused thy grace and mercy, in turning it to wantonness; I have abused thy creatures by wasteful and riotous spending to please and satisfy my lust, saith the prodigal man’s conscience. And by chambering and wantonness, by gaming and dicing away my precious time, saith the lascivious and voluptuous man’s conscience. Thou gavest me times and seasons of grace and mercy, and many gracious opportunities, and soul-advantages, whereby I might have wrought out my own salvation with fear and trembling; and, as St, Peter saith, I might have made my calling and election sure to my own soul: But, instead of working out my salvation with fear and trembling, and making my calling and election sure, I have wrought out my own damnation without either fear or wit, and