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of Conſcience.

liberty of our conſciences: And have we not fought for liberty of conſcience? Ah! curſed wretches, the light within you is darkneſs; Is this the liberty of thy conſcience? No, no, this is the liberty of thy luſts, and the deluſions of the devil. Thou haſt feared thy conſcience with a hot iron; but yet at laſt thy conſcience, tho’ thou haſt defiled it ever ſo much, will put the ſaddle upon the right horſe, and charge thee home with all the blame. Is liberty of conſcience, a liberty to ſin ? No, God forbid, ‘Shall we ſin,’ ſaith St.Paul, Rom vi. i. that grace may abound?’ O God forbid, I dare not, ſaith a gracious heart, conſcience tells me I muſt not. ‘How ſhall I,’ ſaith Joſeph, Gen: xxx. 7. ‘do this great wickednces and ſin againſt God? The grace of God,’ ſaith the apoſtle, Tit. ii. ii, 12. ‘that brings ſalvation,’ teacheth men ‘to deny ungodlineſs and worldly luſts, and to live ſoberly, righteouſly, and godly in this preſent world,’ and not to live as we lift, which is a ſign of no grace at all.

A truly tender conſcience will be truly tender of commiting ſin, and will have a circumſpect care over himſelf how he walks and how he lives, that ſo the name of God and Chriſt be not blaſphemed; ‘But, in