Page:Blackamoor in the wood (1).pdf/4

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Bnt now my trembling heart it quakes,
To think what I must write;
My senses all begin to faint,
My soul it doth affright
Yet I must make an end of this,
Which here I have begun,
Which will make sad the hardest heart,
Before that I have done.
The wretch unto the lady went,
And there with speed did will,
His lust forth with to satisfy,
His mind for to fulfil.
The Lady she amazed was,
To hear the villain speak;
Alas, quoth she, What shall I do,
With grief my heart will break.
With that he took her in his arms,
She straight for help did cry,
Content yourself, lady, quoth he,
Your husband is not nigh.
The bridge is drawn, the gate it shut,
Therefore come lie with me,
Or else I do protest and vow,
Thy butcher I will be.
The crystal tears run from her cheek
Her children cried amain,
And sought to help their mother dear,
But alas, it was in vain.
For the egrigious filthy rogue,

Her hands behind her bound,