Page:Blackamoor in the wood (1).pdf/7

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Then presently he called out,
And fell upon his knee.
Quoth he, If thou will save her life,
Whom I do hold so dear,
I will forgive thee all that's past,
Tho' they concern me near.
O save her life, I thee beseech,
O save her life I pray,
And I will give thee what thou wilt,
Demand of me this day.
Well, quoth the Moor, I do regard,
The moan that thou dost make,
If thou will grant what I request,
I'll save her for thy sake.
O save her life, hnd now demand,
Of me then what thou wilt:
Cut off thy nose, and not one drop,
Of her blood shall be spilt.
With that the noble Lord did take,
A knife into his hand,
And there his nose did quite cut off,
In place where he did stand.
Now I have bought my Lady's life,
Then to the Moor did call:
Then take her quoth the wicked rogue,
And down he let her fall.
Which when his Lordship he did see,
His senses all did fail;
Yet many sought to save his life,

But they could not avail.