Colonial Produce. Sugars—The quantity of sugars lately arrived is very inconsiderable, and though the stock of old is understood to be much reduced, yet prices continue to decline, and the market is very dull. In Refined there has been little variation during the month; of late some holders have shewn a disposition to reduce their prices, as the demand continues limited. Molasses heavy and declining. A public sale of East India Sugars was brought forward the 29th April; low white, or fine yellow, all withdrawn at 45s. to 46s.; much above the market price. Some Brazil Sugars, of uncommon fine quality, have been shown by private contract; for fine white, very strong grain, 59s. was offered and refused. Coffee has been and continues in considerable demand, and large sales have been made, principally for exportation. Cotton—In this article very extensive sales have been lately effected, and inquiries for exportation continue to be made. What appears a little singular is, whilst the raw material meets a demand exceeding that of any former period, and maintains a price nearly double its fair growing value, compared with that of every other production of the soil, the manufactured articles remain at prices unprecedentedly low. Indigo.—An extensive sale, by the East India Company, took place the end of last month; the prices not generally so high as anticipated, but, on an average, may be rated at 9d. to 15d. per lb. above the previous sale. The quantity taken in, however, for account of the proprietors, was considerable, nearly a half of the whole sale. Tobacco.—The contract advertised by the French government has excited much attention, and so soon as the particulars are more fully known, an advance in the price of this article is expected. Rum—A very extensive transaction has taken place in this article, about 3000 puncheons of the strongest Jamaica, and of favourite marks, usually taken for home consumption, having been contracted for, to be taken on arrival. The particulars of the sale have not transpired, but prices are reported to be from 4s. to 4s. 3d.—This extensive quantity, withdrawn from the market, with a short import, may probably affect the prices. Rice continues to decline, and is offered at very low prices.
European Produce. Hemp, Flax, and Tallow.—In these articles little variation, and the demand very limited. Oils.—Fish still scarce, and prices supported.—Cod has been sold at £32—Olive very dull. Provisions.—Irish continue to go off readily; pork in considerable request. 17,000 Edam Cheeses, (round Dutch) lately brought forward for sale, went off at 40s. to 52s. chiefly 49s. to 50s. In British Manufactures the demand still continues such as to produce little improvement in prices. In a few parts of the country, we are, however, glad to hear, there is some appearance of revival. The commerce of the port of Newcastle is stated to have materially improved during the last two months, and very considerable exportations of manufactured goods are said to have taken place, not as formerly, upon speculation, but in execution of real orders from the Continent. We also learn from Staffordshire, that its trade and manufactories have revived very considerably of late, particularly the Iron works.
Premiums of Insurance—There has been little variation during last month at Lloyd's; the continental risks may however be stated a little lower; to Holland, the immediate coast of France, and to Hamburgh, &c. 10s. 6d. to 12s. 8d. per cent.
Prices of Bullion—Gold in bars, £3 : 18 : 6. New doubloons, £3 : 15 : 6. Silver in bars, 5s. 1½d. per oz.
Course of Exchange.—2d May, 1817 Amsterdam, 38 : 6 B. 2 U. Hamburgh, 35 : 5 : 2½ U. Paris, 24 : 90 : 2 U. Madrid, 35½ effect. Cadiz. 35 effect. Naples, 39¾ Lisbon, 58. Dublin, 10¼ per cent.
Weekly Price of Stocks, from 1st to 30th April 1817.
A table should appear at this position in the text. See Help:Table for formatting instructions. |
1st. 9th. 15th. 22d. 29th.
Bank stock, shut. 257, 256 2.55⅓, 255 251¾, 251½ 251¼, 251½
3 per cent. reduced shut. 72⅞, 71¾ 72⅝, 71⅞ 71¾, 71½ 71⅜, 71
3 per cent. consols, 72¾, 71¾ 73⅞, 72⅜ 73⅝, 72¾ 72¾, 72½ 72⅜, 72
4 per cent consols, shut. 91¼, 89⅞ 90, 89¼ 89, 88 88½, 87¾
5 per cent, navy ann. 100⅞, 100⅛ 103¾, 102 103⅛, 102½ 102⅞, 102⅝ 102⅞, 102⅝
Imperial 3 per cent. ann. shut. shut. shut shut. shut.
India stock, shut. shut. 208½, 207½ 208½ shut.
bonds 43, 42pm. 66, 65pm. 62, 60pm. 71, 72pm. 78s. pm.
Exchequer bills, 2½d. p. day 6, 5pm. 13, 11pm. 13, 10pm. 11, 13pm. 13, 10pm.
3d p day 13, 11pm. 23, 21pm. 20, 18pm. 21, 20pm. 20, 18pm.
3¼d. p. day 13, 5pm. 24, 14pm. 20, 12pm. 14, 21pm. 20pm.
Consuls for acc. 73, 71⅞ 73⅞, 72½ 74, 73 73⅛, 72 72⅝, 72⅜
American 3 per cent.
61new loan, 6 p. cent. 101, 101½
French 5 per cents.